I won't give up

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Chapter 7

*****Russell's POV*****

I miss Katy. I miss her a lot. But she doesn't. She's happy with that womanizer John dumbass Mayer.  

Haven't she realize yet that he will end up breaking her heart like he did with all his girlfriends? I need her by my side. More then enything. I still love her but she'll never feel the same again. I need a second chance but she'll never give me. I broke her heart, i asked for divorce when she loved me. I regret myself everyday.

*****Katy's POV*****

 I slowly opened my eyes and realized i had fallen asleep on John's lap.  

I sat down and looked at the window, it was dark still and John was sleeping. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, it was 5am. We still had more 9 ours of flight before arriving in Japan.

"Katy?" I suddenly heard John's sweet and low voice calling me

"Sorry baby i didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's fine." He said and kissed my cheek

He slowly yawned rubbing his eyes in a cute way, then put one arm around me.

"Let's go back sleep now, the trip is just beginning"

I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine, kissing it and i closed my eyes.


"We are going thru a turbulence area, please keep up seated with your seatbelts fastened"  

I heard the stewardess saying and opened my eyes then I sat down and John woke up.  

I smiled at him and he slowly kissed my lips.

"Ugh It's only 9am" I murmured, lain again on his chest

"Will you sleep again?" He asks hugging me, I nod.

Then i felt he gently kiss my head three times, i put my arms around him and realized i was almost sitting on his lap

"Honey the stewardess won't let you sit here, go to your assent" John giggled caressing my arm


I went back to my sit but i wasn't sleepy now. I opened the window and a lot of clarity came out, almost blinding us.  

I quickly close it and giggle, looking at John and he smiled

"I love you" He said touching my nose

I kissed his lips passionately but broke it when i heard Juliet yawning, then i got up to see her

"mama" She slowly said, raising her arms and before she starts crying i catched her.  

I kissed my daughter and wrapped her in a blanket, it was so cold.

John looked at me and smiled, i sat down with Juliet and laid her in my arms.

"Look who just woke up" John gently said, caressing her face.  

I put a pacifier in her mouth and she started playing with my necklace.

"I love you so much" I said, smiling at her and she giggled, making me happier even more.

"Excuse me, would you have something to drink? The breakfast will came in some minutes" The stewardess said, with a big cart with a lot of drinks.

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