The trip

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Chapter 6


"Yeah.. Omg Rih?" I answered, turning myself

"Yes! We talk later, keep doing what you were love birds!" She whispered

What a coincidence. My good friend Rihanna was in the same city, same shopping, same cinema and watching the same movie that us, with someone that i didn't recognize, probably her boyfriend...

When the movie ended, we waited to meet Rih and make something like have dinner together.

"Is she with..." I whispered in John's ear, not very excited

"Yes. Oh yeah, this woman is crazy" He replied completing my sentence.

Rihanna was back with. Chris.Brown.

"Hii babes!" She said hugging me

"Oh, hello! I missed you gurl!"

I looked up at Chris, not really understanding that they were back (again) after everything he did. Well, it was her life, so as much as i hated him, me and John just said hello and acted politelly.

"So.. What if we have dinner together or just hang out?!" Rih said happy

I looked at John with a disgusted face. He knew me and Chris didn't roll well, and it wouldn't be very comfortable seeing his face for some time.

"Oh we would love to but actually our baby is home and we told the nanny we wouldn't get home so late, you know.." John said, lying and recusing

"Oh. That's okay! We meet other day" Chris said

"Yeah sure. Great to see you! Bye guys" i replied


"That was a great excuse!" I said to John, we both laughing walking to get our car.

"Yeah. We wouldn't survive hanging out with them"

"And i thought Rih now had wake up, but she actually didn't and is still on his wave.." I commented

I hugged John and looked up at his face, then he kissed my lips.

"Its so cold" I said, my teeth shaking. Then i put John closer even more to get warmed. I feel so safe and well when i'm on his arms.

"Nah honey, you'll get sick. I'm fine" I said, when John was taking his jacket off and putting it on me.

"I don't care. I don't want you to be sick"

I hugged him hard, with my head laying on his shoulder. It was much better now with his super thick and warm coat. John was such a gentleman. He was perfect, so different and so much better than any man i knew.

He kissed my head and opened the car door for me, happily no one saw us.

We arrived home, silently opening the door.

"Shhh, Juliet is sleeping" I said, putting my purse on the table and coming closer to the sofa, where our daughter was sleeping in a pillow.

"Where is the nanny?" John whispered

"Well she's probably sleeping too"

John took Juliet carefully, trying not to wake her up. "Yeah but i don't know why Juliet was sleeping here alone..." He said

I turned off the lights and up the stairs with John, then he put our baby on her cradle and closed the room's door.

"We better sleep too, tomorrow will be a tiring day"

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