Don't destroy this moment

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Chapter 8


****Katy's POV****

"RUSSELL PLEASE NO!! JUST LET ME GO!!" I screamed in panic, tears running fast down my eyes as my ex husband pulled my arm hard, trying to put me into a dark room.

"You are a difficult girl Katheryn! More then i would ever remember... But now will you stay quiet and be a good girl if you dont want me to slap you again." 

As much as i tried he was much stronger than me, i felt myself getting weaker and weaker, till Russell pulled me in completely and closed the door, i could hear he locking it and i felt down on my knees. I hugged my legs and started crying (harder than before), i was feeling depressed and nauseous, all i could think about was my family, my friends, my fans. John. Juliet. Will i ever get to see them again? Kiss my husband and tell him that i love him, sing for my baby and hug her hard, teach her everything that she will have to know... my fans, sing on a stage in front of a lot of people that supports me and always make me smile, my best friends, my parents, everything. Now i was locked in a room that God will know when i will get out, if i do one day. In Russell's hands. He can do anyhting with a weak, helpless and pregnant girl.

"Katy? Baby are you okay??" I suddenly hear a familiar voice calling my name and fell someone poking my arm. When i open my eyes i realize a cute man in front of me, i stare at him for a while, but then realize that it is John, the love of my life.

"NO JOHN PLEASE DONT LET HE DO THIS TO ME!! DONT LEAVE ME NOW PLEASE!!" I scream in panic again, quiclky sitting on the bed and hugging the man hard.

"Babe what are you talking about?" He whispered taking my arms out of him and then gazing on my eyes, worried, then putting his hands on my face rubbing my tears.

I sighed. Happily it was just a nightmare. "It was Russell, he put me on a dark room and locked me there. I thought i would never get to see you again."

"Oh baby is alright. I will never let anyone hurt you. And if Russell even try to talk to you i will hit him hard. I promise never letting you go okay? Relax it was just a dream honey." His sweet words making me comfortable. I huggend John once agan, smiling, and he kissed my head. 

After taking a shower and dressing apropriate clothes for the cold winter, i went to Juliet's room to wake her up. I slowly opened the door and got closer to the crib. She looked like an angel, sleeping so peacefully and hugging her bear. The pacifier in her mouth slowly moving as she sucked it, and her porcelain hands closed like she was holding something.

I felt sorry for having to wake her up, but we needed to have breakfest and Juliet couldn't stay in the room alone. I gently stroke her hair but she didnt move, then i kissed her forehead and she yawned, making the pacifier fell on her chest and i gliggled.

"Good morning..." I slowly said as her blue eyes opened, i put the pacifier on her mouth again and finally catched her from the crib. I comfortably lay Juliet on my arms and wrap her in a blanket, it was too cold. 

Wow she's so beautiful. I would do anything in the world to protect my daughter from anything. She was my baby. The best gift that i could ever ask for. Juliet hold my finger with her hand and i smiled, then with the other hand she touched my mouth and i kissed it.

"I'm hungry! Let's go?" I heard John shouting from the other room. I walked till there holding Juliet with one arm and she laid her head on my shoulder, wanting to sleep more.

"She is so sleepy and tired" I said kissing her hair and she rubbed her eyes

"Come with daddy"

Juliet quiclkly raised her arms on his direction and John gently catched her.

He kissed her cheek and Juliet rested on his shoulder taking the pacifier out of her mouth and she gave it to me. Okay, let's go" I sighed taking my phone on the nightstand and the room's key.

John opened the door and we got in the elevator, going right to the third floor where the breakfast was.

****John's Pov****

After having breakfast, i had the idea of visiting a famous park in Japan. We went there, the grass and all the trees covered with snow, a lot of kids playing on the ground and building snowmen, just like i did when i was young. As i pulled Juliet's trolley, i looked at Katy, she was cold, hugging my arm and burying her face on my shoulder. 

"This is so cool and beautiful! Doesn't it make you feel like a child again?!" Katy told me letting go of my arm and then taking snow in her hands "Yeah it does" I replied and then realized that she was making a snowball.

"Katy don't you dar-" She threw the snowball and it hit me on the chest. Then she burst out laughing as i tried to look mad at her but i just couldn't, so i laughed as well

"Okay okay. If its war that you want is war that you will have."

I put the trolley on the side and then made a big snowball, throwing it on Katy's direction and it hit her on the face.

She opened her mouth in shock, making a face expression and i laughed hard at her. Katy was quick so she took more snow on her hands and trew it on me. We now looked like childs making a snowball war in the middle of the park.

When Katy wasnt looking i came behind her and hugged her, making we both fall on the floor and we laughed more.

"That was so fun" she smiled and i got up before taking her hands and putting her up too. I pecked her lips and then smiled, this moment was perfect. 

"Oh my God John, it's a rink! Can i go skate?!" She said like a child asking for their parents permission "Go ahead!" I laughed and Katy runned till the rink, taking skates with a man and then i sat on a seat taking Juliet's trolley (that we had actually forget) and smiled watching our baby sleeping again.

*****Katy's POV**** 

The rink was crowded but i really wanted to skate, i think the last time i did this was with Russell in New York. Ew, Russell. He was chasing me even in my dreams. Now i just wanna enjoy this moment and dont think about my ex husband, he had already make me sad enough.

I took the skates a man handed me, then put it on and started skating like a professional. I slid close to where John was and then saw him holding a camera, taking photos of me. I rolled my eyes and he shook his head giggling, then i put my hands in front of me trying to cover my face, but John has already taken some pics. 

I runned away and watched all those people skating in sync, i joined them, walking faster every time. It was really nice, i love skating. But then suddenly i felt something hit me hard, making me fell on the floor. I hit my head on the ice and it was hurting a lot, then i looked around to see if anyone was going to apologize for bumping on me but no one did. I saw a dark thing coming in my direction, i think it was someone but i couldnt recognize cause it was wearing a mask. Then he or she put a thing like a blanket on my face, it smelled wonderfull. Suddenly i started feeling weak and tired, then i felt in a deep sleep and everything went black. 

// Omg i'm so sorry guys, i had to write this chapter again cause i unconsciously deleted it! I didn't have it saved no where so i had to change some things but the context is the same. I will update tomorrow so get ready for the next chapter and thanks so much for reading! Your votes and comments means a lot (: xx

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