Speak for me

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Chapter 14

****Angela's Pov****

I insert the room's key on the door making the green little light came up and i carefully turned the knob, trying to not make any noise. The room was hot, and i could alredy spot Svend and Harry sleeping next to each others.

I slowly approached my son and picked him up, leaving my side of the bed alone and carrying him till the other bed. I kissed his soft face and gently laid him under the covers, covering him after that.

Then i took my boots and sweater off, putting on some warm pjs and leading to the bathroom. When i was done, i carefully laid next to Svend on the bed and covered myself.

"Any news about Katy?" I suddenly heard him whisper, turning around to face him and sighing sadly.

"Not really, the police will call me if anything happens" I replied and saw him come closer to me.

"It will be okay." He said and kissed me on the forehead, making me smile a little smile.

"I love you" I whispered back, before turning around to my side of the bed and closing my eyes, feeling his fingers rub my back slowly, tickling my skin and feeling so good at the same time.

3am, Monday.

I read as i unlocked my phone, after having some nightmares about Katy i decided i wasn't going to sleep back. I couldn't accept the fact of loosing my little sister, and i was having all those memories yet again, the same as my family had had 20 years ago, when Katy disappeared in Santa Barbara.

I was the one who had found her, my family and everybody were looking towards her worried, but Katy was hidden on a place only me and her knew and we used to go there when something was wrong or we were sad. It was a tree house, standing on the highest tree next to a lake, and no one knew about that place we discovered while playing hide and seek with our friends and cousins.

I wish it could be that easy this time, but it was different, i coulnd't even compare. Now Katy was an adult, and she was lost in a big city, not in a small neighborhood, and she wasn't missed for one afternoon, she was missed for four days. 

I watched the clock tick impatiently, as if the police was going to call me even tonight, at this time. For some reason i still had hope, and that was important when everybody in a group were only having negative thoughts. I locked my phone once again, but at this moment the screen suddenly turned on and i saw an unknown number calling me. The cellphone started vibrating on my hands, and i quickly took the covers off me and runned quietly to the bathroom. I had to answer, it could be about Katy.

"Hello?" I said closing the door, hoping i hadn't woken my boys up.

"Ms. Angela?" A rough voice replied from the other end, and i was sure i had listened that voice before.


"Here is the police, I'm James, we'd talked in my office before. I'm sorry about calling you at this hour of the night but, you told me to warn you if I had any news about your sister." I sighed nervously biting my nails "Well, we've just got a call from the hospital and they had received a girl that fits with your description." 

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