The kidnap

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Chapter 9

****Russell's POV****

I was actually about to give up. Katy is in love with John and i can't make it change, but i feel like i need to make something. I can't live like this, knowing that she is not my woman and hates me for what i did, but i still love her and miss her. I regret myself everyday for letting her go. If she wont ever be my love again, or tell me that she loves me, or be my wife, at least friends i want us to be. At least being friends she would like me. But how will i make this happen? How will i make her even talk with me? I can't kidnap Katy, she has a little daughter and at the end i would probably end up in jail. But there is no other way to talk to her knowing that if i try playing it cool and just call her, she won't wanna see my face. I still have her phone number, maybe call her? She wouldn't answer...


If i have her phone it means that i can see everywhere she goes thru the phone location. Yes! I'm a genious. I wont keep Katy for like days cuz kidnap her is what i don't want to, i will just.. borrow her without she knowing it and, after talking i let her go..

After some time, i discovered that Katy is in a famous park in Japan, one that is always covered with snow in the winter and people go there to skiing or skating.

But i couldn't go there like this, Katy will find out that im stealing her and she'll probably call the police or something. I need a disguise.

When i found dark clothes and a black mask, i took a taxi and got there.  

A lot of childrens playing around with the snow, all i could think about was that if me and Katy were still married we would have our own childrens running in the snow, calling me dad and i would protect them from everything. But this was illusion. Katy was making a family with that dumbass not me. Ugh what the hell i did? It is my fault.

I couldn't see Katy there still, the place was crowded and i was searching for a beautiful girl with dark hair and a men with her, prabably pulling a trolley.  

I looked around one more time, and saw a rink. Once me and Katy went there, it was so fun. I didnt really like to ski but she did and for her i could do anything.  

Guess what? She was there. Just like i was thinking, i saw a not-very-tall woman with dark long hair taking skates with a men. After this, she started skating and running in the lane.  

Wait, John can't see that i'll take her, actually no one can...

I took skates as well and went to the lane, the only way i could get Katy was making her fall in the middle of a lot of people, the place was very crowded so no one would see us.  

I looked around searching for John, he was sitting on a seat, with a trolley on his side, holding a camera, and when Katy came closer he took a pic. 

It didn't take a long time for Katy to run away and get far from her family, she started skating faster and faster, on an opposite way from me. I followed Katy, I need to bump on her.

"Ouch!" I hear she murmur, falling down on the cold floor. Oh my God did i hurt her? I didn't want to do this, but i guess i bump too hard.

Katy seemed really dizzy, she could barely open her eyes when i noticed her head was bleeding. Shit she hit on a stone and now if someone noticed i could be in trouble.  

I looked around and saw some people staring at us, some of them even with their hands on the mouth, terrified.

"Guys don't worry she's fine, she just fainted but i'll take care of this. Keep moving!" I told them, holding Katy on my arms and the people started walking away.

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