So close yet so far

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 Hey guys, uhm well I don't know if i should keep writting this now that Jaty broke up and i don't know if you will keep reading if i post. So i will do like this: If this chapter gets 10+ votes i'll keep posting, if it doesn't then i stop. Sorry about that and i actually had a few more chapters to post so i hope you read :p 


Chapter 11

*****Katy's POV*****

"Why are you covering your face?"

"I don't want anyone to see us. You should do the same." 

"Oh yeah i forgot, i'm still kidnapped..." 

"Wait for me here, i'll be right back"

"Ugh okay."

I was standing in the corner of a street, in the dark and cold night where not even one car or person was passing by. In front of Russell's 'place' where he told me to wait for him. Actually i think that hideout was a house that he purchased.. but as long as i remember he never liked Japan. At least never as much as i did.

Everything so silent, yet kinda creepy. It was  the perfect time to escape. To just get out of that place and get away from that horrible man. I could run away and get back to John, my family. 

Some feeling in my heart just told me to stay there and don't take a step. Maybe running away i would disappoint Russell and make him even sadder, come on, he just wanna be my friend. But why should i give him a chance? Or maybe the question is, why should i not give him a chance? I didn't even know Japan that well, further to start walking in a random direction searching for the hotel, i would probably lose myself.

Suddenly, a black little van stopped in front of me. When the driver's window opened i saw Russell's face indicating for me to get in the car, i walked till there and opened the door, sitting on the passenger's seat.

"Woah where the hell did you get this van?"

"It's not mine at all.. I borrowed from the hotel when they hired me to work there." Russell answered.

"You're such a thief !" I said slapping his arm playfully and we both laughed.

"So, where will i take you tonight? He asked 

"Oh whatever. Mall maybe?"  I replied and Russel started the engine.

*****John's POV*****

 After some time, Angela and Shannon left. They said they would keep investigating about Katy and tell everybody what really happened.

We combined to meet at the lobby in 30 minutes for then to go have dinner at a mall or something, if we don't have any clues about where Katy can be till tonight, the police will have to get in the middle of this. 

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