You're the one that i love

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Chapter 4

*****Katy's POV*****

"Oh God. So Shannon likes your dad, can you believe this Juliet??" I said, making tickle in her belly.

I was still sad with John and he probably was with me too. I should have believed on him because he is my husband, and John had always been so honest. I don't know what will happen now. He just said he don't love me anymore...

I put my baby in her chair, on the backseat of the car and decided to make a surprise for John. I knew he only said that at the moment, but not with that intention cause John was really trying to make our relationship work.

I picked a cake at the bakery, John's favourite cake. And drove my car to home.

******John's POV******

If Katy thinks i said that i don't love her anymore, (when she got it completely wrong cuz i said that to my ex) i'll prove to her that i do. And that i love her more then anything.

I was wondering what could i do. I wanted to make a surprise, like a dinner.

Yes a dinner!

But what will i cook... All i know is barbecue but it's not time and..

Pasta!That's perfect!

I made the table putting a red towel in it, and a vase with white roses in the middle.

I didn't know how to do it a lot, Katy always helped me in the decoration and she was very feminist, so now i had to make it my own way.

"Hm I'm missing something..."

"A poster!"

Then i wrote in a big paper "Katy i love you unconditionally"

Hope she likes it... I bit my lip.

The pasta was ready, i put it on a beautiful plate on the table and turned the lights off, lighting a candle.

*****Katy's POV*****

"Hm where are my keys?!"

"Juliet! It's not edible!" I said, taking a key out of Juliet's mouth.

I opened the door, holding Juliet in one hand and the cake on the other one.

When i got in home, every lights were off.

"Hm what happened here?!"

I came in the living room, putting the cake on the table; then i saw a big poster saying "Katy i love you unconditionally"

"Oh my Gawd!"

"Oh, Hey" a sweet voice answered.

I looked back and saw John. I think he was scared about kissing me, but at the same time i think we both wanted to make a surprise for each other!

"Wa-wat is that?" I asked coming closer, and put Juliet on a cot.

"Well, tonight i made the dinner" he said "And what is that cake?"

"It's for you."

We stared at each others, looking deep in our eyes.

"Katy i'm so sorry- i was talking with my ex when i said "i don't love you anymore" i think you thought it was for you" John started

"Yeah i did"

"I love you okay? And i would never betray you. You're my everything, my light, and if its up for me i'm gonna keep you forever"

His words let me speechless. I couldn't say anything so i just kissed his soft lips.

A kiss that meant more then one thousand words.

"I love you too, more then everything"

John hugged me. It was good finally feeling him again. One day fighting was enough for me.

Then he took Juliet, kissing all her face.

"Ow baby i missed you!" John said, lifting her on the air.

"So i guess we'll have a perfect night with that cake and your specialities" I said

"Yeah, i mean, i did my best making the pasta!"

"I'm sure it's delicious. Like everything you make" i completed.

John put Juliet on her chair and we all sat on the table.

"John that's one of the best pastas ever. Why you never cook if you know how to do this so well?!" I said, tasting it.

"Oh well thank you sweetie. I don't really like to cook but.."

John replied, as Juliet drank water from her bottle.

We ate and after i brought the cake.

"Well, i took this one because i know someone loves it!" I said, and John picked up clean dishes.

He kissed my cheek, with his hands on my waist, as i giggled cutting the cake.

I think I'm not the only one..!" John said, pointing at Juliet who had cake all over her face.

"Juliet!" I laughed, cleaning her hands.

John put a spoon with chocolate in my mouth, making me giggle again

"And tomorrow, everybody is going to the gym!" He replied kidding

When we finished, Juliet started crying.

"I'll take her to sleep, be right back." I said. My daughter screaming on my lap.

"Ok. I'll clean this up!"

I got in the room letting Juliet on the cradle, she was already sleeping. Then I down the stairs to stay with John.

"So Shannon was jealous of MY man? Hah she's a legend.." I said, sitting on the sofa next to him.

He giggled but didn't say nothing, then put his arm over me.

I laid on his shoulder, with one hand on his chest, and John kissed my head.

"I'm sorry for not believing you on the first time" i started.

"That's okay honey. I understand, you were confused." John said putting my even closer.

"But now you know that you're the only girl in my world right?"

"Yes. And if Jennifer keeps calling you i'll talk with her." I said, crossing my arms.

"Ok then." John giggled.

He turned his head and stared at me, when i closed my eyes, finally feeling his lips on mine.

Suddenly I sat on his lap, still kissing him, with my hands on his neck. Looked like an involuntary moviment.

John broke the kiss and turned the tv on, putting in some random channel.

I was laying on his shoulder, hugging him and still on his lap.

John kissed my forehead, then he rested his head on mine.

"Why the hell are we watching sponge bob?" I asked

"Problem? I like it!" John replied laughing

"Aw okay then baby"

"Patrick star is so stupid! How is he searching for something that is on his hand?!"

"Huh?" I said, opening my eyes. I was almost sleeping and wasn't paying attention on the tv.

"And Katy look at this. Where is the logic: fishes drowning on a lake in the ocean!"

"Ah John you're such a child" i kissed his cheek.

I layed back on John's shoulder and closed my eyes, just hearing the annoying noises from the tv.

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