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Chapter 10

******John's POV*****

I was startled when i suddenly hear the annoying and loud ring of my phone, I slowly opened my heavy eyes, rubbing it and feeling as they were swollen and red from my bad sleep. I noticed i was laying on the hotel room's bed, when i turned to the left, only Juliet was deeply sleeping next to me,

Then i remembered all the horrible nightmare that was actually happening, i still don't know were in the world my wife is. She could be here, in my arms, laying with her head in my chest and her soft hair which smells wonderful like roses would be tickling my face, but i didnt really care. Then I would whisper in her ear 'i love you' and she would giggle, making me smile, then she'd lift her head and i would kiss her soft, red lips and hug her tighter, never wanting to let her go...

I waked up from my little dream and quiclky turned around to catch my phone which was still  vibrating on the little table next to the bed. I looked at the screen, it was 7 pm already, then I saw Katy's best friend calling.

"Uhm hello?" I said getting up, my voice sounding odd and i noticed wearing the same clothes as before, or yesterday? I didn't even know what day it was.

"John!! Finally, where the hell are you? I'm trying to call Katy's and your phone for about two hours!" Shannon replied steric on the other side of the line. I grabbed Katy's phone in my pocket, it was with 5% of battery and she had over 8 missed calls and messages.

"Shann uh..." I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was so nervous to tell her about this but it was the truth, and soon or later everybody will end up knowing. "Katy is gone." I gulped, not really wanting to hear Shannon screaming in my ear.

"What do you mean?" She replied, making me have to repit that horrible sentence.

"Katy is missing, i cant find her anywhere."

"SHE IS WHAT? JOHN WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??" She angrily yelled and i pulled the phone out of my ear, still hearing Shannon complaining. 

"I know, I know! Came here as soon as possible, we need to do something!"

I hear she sigh "But we just arrived at the airport, it will take me at least 40 minutes to get there!"

"I will try to make something, when you get in the hotel came right in our room, 922." I said, running my hands in my hair and pulling it nervously.

"Uhm okay." Shannon replied with a low and sad voice now, and then hung up. 

I put the iphone down and lay my head in my hands, supported by my arms standing on my thighs, then closed my eyes still wondering what to do. 


I need to take care or her no matter what, even if her mom is not here helping i would do my best to make everything our baby needed. She was our baby. The one me made just by loving each others, and i couldn't fail on her and disappoint Katy. 

Juliet was lying on the bed, on the left side from where i was and she seemed really happy. It made me forget about everything for a moment and just smile at how cute she looked, stretched out comfortably on the bed that was like twenty times bigger than her. She looked like a doll, motionless, so flawless yet innocent and one thing i noticed, Juliet was sucking her finger instead her pacifier that was fallen on her side. And on her tiny wrist, was the gold bracelet we gave her when she was born.

Juliet slowly started moving her legs, changing the position she was and then her arms stretched as well. I carefully sat on the bed, watching her being adorable. I touched her little hand, then she squeezed my finger as hard and she could, but it still didnt hurt nothing. My hand was so much bigger than hers, but it felt so perfect, so right. I love her so much that is creepy.

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