I have died waiting for you

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Chapter 15

****Katy's Pov****

"She is still asleep"

"Katy, can you hear me?"

"Her blood pressure is too high, we need to wake her up!"

That was all i heard. My head hurting three times more from how it was before and now everybody seemed to be screaming my name, their voices worried as if i was going to die. Maybe i was, i don't know what happened but i didn't feel like opening my eyes or moving, it was just too much effort. 

I felt the bruise in my head throb, i knew it was hurting too bad and i wanted to get up, laying down in my head wasn't a good idea. I just wasn't strong enough in the moment to sit by my own, and someone would probably have to lift me up, the problem is i couldn't feel my throat so i assume i was still voiceless. 

Suddenly i heard a cry. It was way too familiar, and i knew who's cry it was. That would be the only reason why i actually decided to open my eyes. Slowly but excited, i opened my eyelids after what seemed like eternity. My vision was really blurred, and i could see like 20 people coming at me just by once, what I was used to when i talked to my fans, but this time it looked so different for some reason.

"She's awake!" I heard someone say. I blinked a couple times and saw those different people in white, i could see something like a tv in the background showing some weird yellow lines and a man next to me. As i blinked more and more, trying to focus on something, i realized there were only 2 nurses and a doctor in front of me, not 20 as it seemed. 

After a couple of seconds, i was finally feeling myself again. John was next to me, with a huge smile on his lips but tears on his puffy eyes; on my left, Angela was with her hands in her mouth standing next to the bed i was; and i could see my parents talking to a doctor on the back. I wondered where my daughter was, and if she was not here, that cry was all in my mind.

A sympathetic nurse slowly came up to me, with a cup of water on her hands. Thank God, i can't remember when was the last time i actually ingested something. I tryied to sit up, and realizing i couldn't, John helped me. I grabbed the glass in the woman's hand and drank it all in four gulps, it felt like Jesus tears in a cup. 

"How are you feeling?" She asked, another doctor coming behind her and checking something on some papers. I felt Iike my head was going to explode, my hands were weak and I didn't feel my legs. Something in my arm was hurting, i looked at it and saw three tubes injected on my veins. Then I  opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out once again.

"Oh, she is voiceless. I was afraid this could happen." The doctor apparently named Mike made a face at me, but then said my voice was going to come back in less than a month and that was nothing to be worried about, it was just a symptom and it could have been worst. 

"A month?!" John said, as if he has just read my mind. I remembered when he made his throat surgery and couldn't talk for a very long, i don't know how he did that, a month already seemed to be an eternity but i guess now it's my turn now and i know we will get through this.

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