6)Don't you know your secret's safe with me? (my heartbeat, my heartbeat)

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They sleep curled together in his bed with him the big spoon and her the small spoon. He's watching her back even as they sleep. Calm and collected their breathing in sync. In an out in an out, the closeness bringing them together.

She's silently weeping. Tears flowing down her face. They fall in long stripes along the curves of her face.

He wakes from his sleep at her silent crying. Turning over he looks at her. The nightmares came back with a vengeance. Her tormentors are there even in her sleep. Carefully he takes her in his arms, his protective instincts coming to life. It's like white hot fire burning through him. No one will hurt her as long as he's around to be her guardian.

She struggles against him not knowing that it's him. He holds her to him whispering her name in her ear, his low, growly voice calming her.

She wakes with a jerk checking to see if her tormentors are around. She relaxes when she realizes she's in his arms. He won't hurt her, never.

She knows that he's wondering what the nightmares were about. What keeps her up at night, but he won't ask out of respect for her privacy.

He's worried. He wants to know what the nightmares were. Why she struggled so hard and long against him.

She knows she needs to tell him but she's scared of his reaction.

He knows that no matter what she tells him he'll love her anyway.

Softly, in the peacefulness of the night she tells him of the red room. Of the man who was supposed to protect her but hurt her. The men who took away her innocence. The missions she was sent on. The torture that happened during the brainwashing. She tells him of it all, not one detail left out.

He's listening silently, taking in all of her secrets, fears, and doubts. When she's done telling her secrets, he holds her close as she cries into his shirt.

She's just revels things that she never told Clint, Phil, or Nick. It feels like a weight has just been lifted off her chest. She knows she can trust Tony with her secrets and in turn he trusts her with his. His fear of water, the low self-esteem, his self hate, his helplessness over losing the one person he tried to love who chose another man, and his guilt over the deaths he's caused. He tell her everything. They keep each other secrets in the one place where no one looks,

their hearts.

Safe With Me- Sam Smith

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