This AU facts

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Instagram @lostintheavengerstardis and Tumblr @average-coffee-addict21
I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Summer got very busy for me and it slipped my mind. I will have an update out soon. I'm almost finished with the next chapter.

Since this universe is different from your typical shifter/werewolf alpha beta omega stories I figured it would help to establish some baseline facts.

Shifters and Ranking
The shifter wolves of this universe differ in a way since they can partially shift if need be. The partial shift changes their hair color, eye color, nose, and hands. In the case of Tony, his hair is generally a dark brown with slight graying around the temples and the edges of his hair. His half shift hair color is more sliver and brown. His eyes change to a golden color and depending on his mood can either become brighter or darker. His nose slightly becomes a snout and his hands become harder and more dense with strong claws.

For starters if a werewolf is mad and their eyes are becoming a darker color it is in your best interest to get away from them for the time being. A mad werewolf=possible death or ICU visit if they're feeling nice.

The average height for a typical male werewolf is between 5'10" and 6'5". Most alphas are at least 6' but some are shorter. Beta wolves are generally around 5'8 and 6'2" being second in command to the alpha and the second largest. Omega wolves are the shortest and smallest, being 5'7" and below and are the lowest ranking member of the pack. Shifter status can also be applied to humans who mate with shifters. More on pack ranking below.

Alpha Wolves

Alpha shifters are usually the biggest and the baddest and the most aggressive

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Alpha shifters are usually the biggest and the baddest and the most aggressive. Some alphas though, like Tony, are not aggressive unless necessary and is often the opposite of normal alphas with his behavior. Alpha shifters mate with strong women who are most like them. Both males and females can the leading alpha of their pack. If the alpha male and alpha female mate, then they are the authoritative figures for the pack and their word is law. An alpha level human is often an human with substantial power and authority and are often bigger than a regular human. Although a human can be considered alpha level (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes) they are still considered a lesser version of a shifter alpha. In this particular universe, Alphas who mate with betas are tolerated and treated fairly. Since betas are second in command to an alpha and their opinion is highly respected the beta mate is treated as an alpha ranking mate but still holds their beta status. The problem arises with Omegas. If an alpha mates with an omega wolf or human then other high ranking wolves may look down on the alpha wolf for mating with a "weaker" wolf or human. Because of this stigma most alphas who are supposed to mate with omegas reject their omega mate causing the omega an unimaginable amount of pain and heartache. The rejected omega then either becomes an outcasted member of the pack or runs away from their pack leaving behind their family if their there. If the omega chooses to stay and become an outcasted member then they are moved to the farthest part of their packs territory away from the others. During this time the omegas emotions are fluctuating causing them serious harm. If the omega cannot stabilize then death is imminent.

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