18) The wounds are deep but you heal me

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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter in a month. Schools been hectic and I'm just starting to get back on track. Now I should be able to roll out updates slightly faster.

Instagram @lostintheavengerstardis and Tumblr @average-coffee-addict21

Brace yourselves cause here comes the drama within these next few chapters.

He lays awake on the day of the charity ball thinking about all that has happened in his life leading up to where he is now. He has finally found his mate and claimed her, but she doesn't know that she owns him all of him.

"I guess she's love shy but she's all mine.", Tony thinks.

Wrapped in a bed sheet with her head resting on one corner of a pillow, glimmering nymphet flesh of her legs peering out of the sheet, smudged make up she was to tired to wipe off on her sleeping face and her rumpled bright red hair; she looked like a work of art put on a canvas.

She's dreaming. Dreaming about their life and child when it turns into a nightmare. A terrible one.

She screams out.

"Nooo! Stop! Please don't hurt him! Help me someone please! No don't! Leave my family alone!"

She's screaming in pain and fear. Flinching the first time he reaches over to touch her.

Tony reaches over and grasps her in his arms. He hears her words and slowly goes still. He realizes what her nightmare is about. She starts to calm down when he whispers in her ear sweet nothings to comfort her.

She wakes with a start. Sweat dripping down her face while she cries and hyperventilates. Her clothes are soaked through.

"Tasha", he whispers,"Tasha wake up. It's ok, it was a nightmare. Please wake up my beautiful mate."

He holds her till she calms down enough for him to loosen his grip.

"Tony, t-they hurt our child and I-I couldn't do anything t-to stop them and Bruce w-was gonna take him a-away from us and you w-were hurt and they held me down an m-made me look as t-they tortured you."

He puts his finger over her mouth to silence her rambling.

"No ones gonna hurt our child as long as I'm around. It's ok. You're safe, our child is safe and I'm safe. You're ok. You're ok."

She settles back down against him. It's minutes before she speaks.

As she goes silent she thinks about a questions that's been bothering her for a while.

"What's your greatest fear?", she asks.

"Losing you for wrong reasons. You're kind and gentle. I'm hard and rough around people I don't trust or like. I don't want to lose you. I'm scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I need, want, and cherish. Losing you; it would destroy me.", Tony responds.

An hour passes between his response and another question.

He asks her the same.

She shakes her head no. She doesn't want to tell him.

"I'm scared of your reaction. If I tell, you might leave."

"I told before, when you told me you were pregnant that I wasn't ever leaving you. And that promise still holds true today. You can tell me anything and I'll do my best to help you."

"Tell me.", he begs.
"Ok.", she sighs as she slides a little further away from him.

"My biggest fear isn't that you'll lie to me one day or that you'll cheat on me. My biggest fear is that you'll wake up before me one Tuesday morning and instead of leaning in and kissing me on the cheek, you'll look at my sleeping body and start to notice all of my flaws. My crooked nose, my chapped lips and the stretch marks spread along my stomach and thighs like a road map. You'll walk into the kitchen, brew a cup of black coffee, stare at the pale morning rays of sunlight entering the window frame, and come to the conclusion, that for no particular reason at all, you don't love me anymore. So yeah that's my biggest fear.", Tasha finishes.

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