20) Death part 2

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Instagram @lostintheavengerstardis and Tumblr @average-coffee-addict21

Natasha turns down the volume on the tv and puts her head in her hands. Sitting on the couch she starts to cry. Cry so hard she starts hyperventilating. As she tries to calm herself down Levi walks in.

"Levi. He-he's dead. Tony is dead."
Levi turns to face her with a solemn look on his face. Upstairs on the balcony sits Claire eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I know."

"What am I gonna do? I'm almost 3 months pregnant and my baby's father is dead. I don't even know everything about werewolf genes. What if my child is a halfbreed or something? What if-"

"Shush Luna. I'll figure something out. For now you need to keep your heart rate down."

"I-I can try."
(I miss you Tony.)

Natasha POV
(My mate is dead and I'm alone. I can't raise our child by myself. I'm scared Tony. I'm really scared. What if I am a bad mother. I don't know how pregnancy works. I wish you didn't go out that day. You should've never left; then you would've still been here.)

The next day
Location-doctors office

"Ok Ms. Everett you are officially 13 weeks pregnant. On your next visit we can find out the sex if you want."


"Alright then you are good to go now. See you in about 1 month."

"Thank you and bye Doctor Jones."
Levi and Claire's loft

"What are we going to do Levi? She's on her own and pregnant."

"I don't know. I really don't know. All I can do is help her if the child has any of Tony's wolf traits."

"What if the kid doesn't. Then she can raise the child with little issue. If the kid takes after her and is fully human then there's no need for us to be around."

"I feel bad for her."


"Cause she's 13 weeks pregnant and alone. Her child's father is dead. They have enemies in the form of his ex girlfriend, best friend and their old team mates. Of course I feel sorry for her."

"We just better hope that none of their enemies attack her. With Tony dead it's easier to snatch her and do whatever they want.

"Will you keep them safe?"

"I will as long as I can."
Nick Fury POV
(Stark you just left behind a pregnant woman. And not just any pregnant woman but the one you're mated to. I don't know how to help you with this situation.)
10 days later
Location- grocery store parking lot

Natasha's walking to her car when a big burley man approaches. He looks familiar to her but she can't place it.
"Hey pretty lady."

As the man approaches her she hears Tony's words in her head.
"I'll always keep you safe."

As she finishes loading the car the man stops next to her.
"Hey! You didn't hear me talking to you?"
She doesn't speak to him. Walking to the driver side door the man follows. Pushing her up against the door, she starts to realize threats she outnumbered. They are 4 other men with him and she knows she can't take them all on. Not while she's pregnant and mostly unarmed. All she has on her is Tony's multi-tool.

"I was talking to ya woman. You're coming with us to have the boss man. You should recognize one of them."

Looking at the other men she sees that it's Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Bruce. The boss man that the goon is talking about must be T'challa.

She pushes the man away. Turning towards the car she tries to get in.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

The man cocks his arm back and swings.

"Thwack!!!" The unmistakable sound of a punch connecting.

Her face hurts. She was knocked to the ground and was looking for the man. Hearing him she gets ready to try and escape. Standing up when he approaches she knows she has to take him down fast. Otherwise she's in great danger. Tony taught her a few wrestling take downs.

In an instant she drops low and grabs his jacket throwing him with the take down, slamming him hard and fast. Crashing down on the concrete cracking his skull. The mans head bleeds profusely on the concrete as he is knocked out and groaning on the ground. She looks up at the other guys and runs. They chase her but she has some distance put on them already. She gets into her car and drives off hoping that they won't find her.

On the highway her vision starts to get blurry. Her eye that was punched is closing. Feeling scared she looks for a place to stop. Pulling over on the side she calls Levi.

"Hello?", Levi's baritone voice rings out.
"Levi you need to come get me.", she tells him in a desperate and scared tone.
"Natasha. What do you mean. Where are you?"
"On the highway by exit 172. Hurry please. I'm scared and hurt."
"Ok Claire and I are coming. Just hang tight ok."
"Hurry please."

After he hangs up, she starts getting light headed. Looking around one last time she notices a truck coming in her direction before going unconscious.

"Levi how do you know where she's at?"
"She told me. She close to exit 172."
"Well then you need to gun it and hurry befo-"

They see a truck by Natasha car. A man is picking her up out of the car and walking towards the truck.

Levi putting the car in park jumps out and starts running.
"Hey!", he shouts at the man.

The man starts sprinting to the truck as Levi chases. Catching up to the man he slams him leg out into the mans shins flinging him on his back. Kicking the man in the head unconscious, he picks up Natasha don brings her to their car. Grabbing the man he ties him up and puts the man in the trunk.

Current Location- near the compound in the forest surrounding area

"Why did you try to kidnap her?"

It's Bruce.

"Cause that bitch has caused a lot of pain and trouble. We're gonna take her out of the equation. We've already assassinated Stark. Now we take her."

"Who is the we?"

"Ask that little slut. She's knows whose coming and it's not gonna be pretty."

"WHO IS THE WE!?!?", Levi yells out.

"Ha, they're coming. And they're coming for her. Poor Stark is dead and she's all alone. Too bad her death's here."

Levi starts to emit a low growl making Bruce laugh even more.

"You won't be able to keep her safe. She's already dead. There's no cure. Her days are numbered."

Hmm. What's in store for our dear Levi. What do you think does Bruce mean by no cure.

What's happens next for our betas and resident pregnant woman...

Stay tuned.

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