29) Hurt

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I know. I know I've been gone a while but I'm back again. Hopefully your still with me and sticking it out through this story. Thanks

Deep in an unknown city
He's running again. Trying to outrun his past, his present, and maybe even his future. Not wanting to be tracked he hasn't shaved nor showered since he left the base and her behind. It's been 3 weeks since he's last seen her, touched her, loved her. He loves her and knows he can't change that but with the knowledge he has now of her involvement in his parents deaths and succinct cover up, he doesn't know who to trust. Running always was the one thing he was good at. He left with nothing but the clothes on his back and a backpack he keeps in the room where he once slept for emergency runs. With $900 in his pocket and some gift cards he got, he holes up in shady motels and leaves no digital trace.

Back at the base
She's hurt. She's been walking with no destination and hardly eats. She's knows what she did and the part she played. Thinking that she could make it to her grave with no one finding her guilt. Staying cooped up in the room they once shared, it's small apartment-like feeling, she doesn't move, just lays in bed all day with people outside the door filling the room with ambient noise. She thinks about nothing and everything. Their child growing inside her, now possibly having no father. She wants no one else but him to be the father. Know her life is in danger, she doesn't feel the urge to defend herself anymore. She tired and hopeless. He left no trace for his pack to find him. He just disappeared into the wind possibly never to be seen again. A lone wolf howl brings her attention to the window next to the bed. He tore down some of the wall to put in a window for her. On the other side is a larger window with a seat built in her for her to read. The wolf howls again. "Searching for its lost mate," she thinks," mine isn't coming back for me. Not after this, not after us." She slowly turns away from the window and cries into the pillow that stopped smelling of his scent shortly after he left. His dog tags and clothes the only things she has left of him besides memories.

Nick fury watches while standing on the main deck of the base. Noticing she's missing again he goes to find her. Walking through the halls, he stops in front of the door. Knocking he waits for an answer. When one comes he knocks again. This time after no answer, he punches in his override code and lets himself in. Taking note of the state of the room, he heads into the bedroom. Finding her under the covers with a blanket on top he stops. "Natasha."

She doesn't stir nor make any notion of having had heard her. He doesn't know what to do. This is something new that he doesn't know how to deal with.

"Natasha. You need to get up. Laying in bed all day and not eating isn't helping you nor your child. You're doing more harm by not taking care of yourself. I know what you did. Why you didn't tell Stark the truth concerns me but I know it's not my place. You have a child that's due in a little under 2 months. It's time to buckle down and get yourself ready."

She sits up and looks at Fury.

"I fucked up Nick. Now he's gone. Clint, who I thought was my friend, tried to kill me and probably has told the others I'm pregnant. They're gonna kill me and there's nothing I can do to stop it. So why not let it happen?"

"You need him just as much as he needs you. You to are better together than apart. Nothing will happen because he will come back. He loves you."

they're broken, but better togetherWhere stories live. Discover now