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It was the evening of the first day in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Evanora was taking a break between socializing and getting organized on the comfy couch of the Gryffindor common room. Determined to do exceedingly well on the O.W.L.s so that taking N.E.W.T exams next year was an option, Evanora kept a To-Do list to keep herself on track at all times whether that meant planning to do her work, studying before classes to impress teachers, or mailing Rita Skeeter at the Daily Prophet over the summer about her efforts at the Ministry to clear Sirius of all charges. But for right now, she got to do what she enjoyed on occasion: messing with Dean Thomas. He was sitting in an armchair next to her with his eyes dreamily fixed on Ginny Weasley. Dean was previously dating Evanora in fifth year, but things crumbled. When it was finally revealed that Evanora was really Venus Evanora Black, she lost multiple friendships because of her untruthfulness, regardless of the fact that she very rarely told any other lies. At the end of her fifth year, people were still somewhat kind to her, but were less close with her because of the recent news. Her friends felt more distant to her as if she was a stranger now that they realized that there was very little they actually knew about her. She socialized with most of her old friends as kindly and comfortably as possible for the sake of showing them that she is the same Evanora that they knew before they knew her real identity. Her efforts to act as if they were all good friends paid off and they loosened up around her after a few minutes of chatting. Dean, of course, was her boyfriend the year before, but they changed to being friends. He was supportive of her decision but still held a slight grudge that she never told him that she had a father, even though she had a good reason to keep it from him. She apologized by owl and explained her reasoning over the summer as she did with multiple friends.

Noticing Dean's fixed gaze on Ginny from the armchair in which he sat, she held back a smirk.

"Enjoying the view, Dean?" She said in a low, quiet tone, careful for other people not to hear. He broke away from his gaze with a start, and looked between Ginny and Evanora.

"Oh, shut it," he said, and delighted himself in throwing a pillow at her face, which she caught and placed on the couch behind her as he stood up. "I reckon she'd be a better kisser than you, still," he teased coldly with his brows raised and began to walk to the portrait door. Evanora rolled her eyes and brushed off his comment.

"Thanks for the offer, mate, but I've actually got my eye on someone at the moment," she said slyly. He paused where he was standing and turned to his right curiously. Eva forgot to repress the urge to look at Harry, but when she did she quickly glanced away. Dean turned his head towards the 16 year old and when he turned back to me his eyes were wide in shock and his jaw was hanging open a few centimeters as he smiled slightly in surprise. He muttered blimey before strolling off.

Evanora's Journal:

My first week this year was genuinely successful. It was nothing magnificent, but I managed to get everything done well without trouble. That meant rising in the morning with enough time to get ready and look exceptionally presentable, manage my hair properly, then have enough time to go over today's lessons in my books and notes before breakfast. Hermione says that i've improved tremendously so far this year, Ron says that i'm becoming more like her, which I thought was funny. I am undoubtedly confident that this year will be better by far than any other: my life is falling into place. Well, at least for the little time I have to live a normal life before the Second Wizarding War comes along. I've settled with myself that I won't let it get in the way of anything, but I don't think Harry has the same views. He has been acting weird ever since the battle at the Ministry of Magic last year, and has been obviously trying and failing to avoid me. I have finally come to the conclusion why:

Harry is the chosen one. Simple as that, yet at the same time so complicated. His future could not be any more difficult, and he can't get past the fact that just by being who he is puts me in incredible danger. Of course, he knows that I can protect myself, but in war, no one is truly safe. Not only that, but I would get caught up in the mess of a fight between Voldemort and Harry, and one of them has to kill the other. I've accepted our fate for whatever it is, and have to prove to him that it doesn't matter to me. I need to prove to him that it doesn't matter to him, either. And that is what I have been setting out to do. Most of my friends from the Order see the situation, it is just too obvious. But only the students at Hogwarts will see what happens next.

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