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Eileen hunches over her school desk, her head bent at an uncomfortable angle. Her nose almost touches the sheet of paper she's writing on but she barely notices. Her eyes are trained on the marks left behind by her pencil as it moves across the page, leaving behind quarter note after quarter note on the rough sketch of a staff that takes up the bottom half of her sheet of paper.

Rhythms and beats and fragments of lyrics cloud her mind, louder than the voice of her teacher, who's speaking rapid French, trying to teach the class a lesson. Eileen elects to ignore all of that though, not caring if she's missing anything important. For her, what's important is writing music down as soon as inspiration hits - or rather, as soon as she sees her inspiration.


He sits directly behind her, but Eileen sits at an angle - not minding that her desk digs a little uncomfortably into her side - just so she can see him out of the corner of her eye. His position looks so comfortable and casual. He's leaning back into his chair, legs outstretched and arms crossed across his chest.

Eileen glances over at him, catching the way he looks at their teacher, a superior look on his face, as if he's too smart for this. Before she looks away, he catches her gaze, his greenish-blue eyes meeting her plain brown ones.

Eileen swallows hard before looking away, a slight blush rising from her neck to her cheeks. She furiously forces herself to focus on the notes running across her paper again, still very aware that Hayden is still staring at her, probably amused by her embarrassment.

After all, her feelings for him are no secret.

She breathes out, trying to relax as she focuses her vision on her messily-drawn treble clef. As she's about to lean over her notes again, something pink and solid flies by her face, just nicking her nose. She turns her head in the direction it came from, surprised to see Hayden holding back a chuckle.

"What, did you miss me?" Eileen asks sarcastically, annoyance overcoming her embarrassment, and even her giddiness that he's even acknowledged her. She raises one eyebrow, tilting her head in the direction of the eraser that's now on her desk.

"Nope, 'course not," Hayden responds, grinning and showing off his pearly whites. He doesn't know why he threw the eraser in her direction, not really. But he's amused by this girl, this girl who so clearly likes him but only flirts in fleeting glances and sheepish smiles.


It's finally started! So this is the format for the story: short chapters, short paragraphs and only two lines of dialogue - one from Eileen and one from Hayden. They'll basically be saying the same words for the duration of the story. Anyway, please leave a vote and comment, and spread the word if you liked this!

p.s. I don't particularly like Bella Thorne but she was the most appropriate faceclaim I could find when I envisioned Eileen in my head. :/

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