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Hayden pulls his scarf tight around his neck, the chill of winter hitting it's ultimate peak (or low, considering the temperature was several degrees Celsius below zero) on this cold December day. He and Eileen had scheduled a meet-up at the park that was half way between his house and hers, as it was winter break and they couldn't see each other at school anymore.

He rubs his glove-clad hands together, the thin fabric doing nothing to keep his hands warm, but he doesn't mind. He loves the cold; probably because he's used to it, being on the ice so much. He shifts, trying to get more comfortable leaning against one of the trees that line the playground. He would've sat at the picnic table where he and Eileen had spent many afternoons doing homework, but it was icy and snowy at the moment. He smiles at the memory of it, remembering how he always used to look forward to hanging out with her there. At first, he'd just wanted to watch her flail and be embarrassed around him, but now... He liked everything about her and the time he spent with her.

His thoughts are interrupted though, when he finally catches sight of Eileen crossing the park from the opposite direction, her hair a brighter hue of red against the pristine snow. Hayden's mouth splits into a grin, and he waves at her, pushing himself off the tree as he starts to walk towards her.

Eileen tugs her knitted hat over her ears, her mittens keeping her fingers warm as she crosses an open field towards Hayden. She wonders how long he's been waiting for her, feeling bad that he was in the cold for so long. Instead of wallowing in pity for the image of Hayden in the freezing cold, she walks faster, her boots kicking up snow and her almost slipping once or twice.

They get to each other just near the swings, and the first thing Eileen does is hug him. She throws her arms around his neck, saying hello right in his ear, which is exposed to the cold and slightly red;her breath warms it and Hayden shudders slightly. He hugs her back, his arms around her waist squeezing a little too tightly for it to be a light, friendly hug. He laughs in her ear - and it's the most beautiful kind of music that Eileen's ever heard - and says something about her falling for him.

Eileen steps back and pulls her arms away, using one to slap him lightly on the arm and arguing that she didn't actually fall in the snow. She rolls her eyes, taking a stance that conveyed sass and determination at the same time. She crosses her arms and spreads her feet on the snow, cocking her head at Hayden.

Hayden can't help but grin at her effort to seem like the 'right one', when an immature thought pops into his head. He raises his eyebrows at Eileen, stepping towards her again, his grin transforming into a smirk. Eileen holds his gaze, and sees the mischievous glint in his eyes. She shuffles backwards, her boots crunching in the deep snow, just as Hayden says something about changing the fact and actually making her fall. Eileen's eyes widen, understanding what he means and tries to dodge away from Hayden's outstretched arms, which are reaching for her, ready to push her into the snow.

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