m a k e o v e r

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Eileen smiles at her reflection, once again grateful to have a full length mirror in her room. She needs it more than ever tonight, because she has to look her absolute best - as perfect as she can possibly be. As perfect as Hayden believes she is.

She huffs, air whistling between her lips. She's nervous and excited at the same time, a feeling she's grown accustomed to in the past few months. But the emotions seem more amplified, considering what tonight is.

Prom. The most special night of everyone's teenage years. The one that's supposed to be the best night of their high school experience, the night where they make the most memories, the night they won't ever forget.

Eileen sighs contentedly at the idea; never in her wildest dreams did she actually believe she'd be going to prom with Hayden. Another smile finds its way onto her face, and she can practically see herself glowing in the mirror. Or maybe that's just the bronzer she used catching the light.

Eileen turns her head left and right, watching as the light in her room casts a shadow on her face. Her makeup is heavy, her face layered with foundation and concealer; it's contoured and highlighted in several places, but subtle enough that it doesn't look like she's got war paint splashed across her face.

Eileen is grateful that her best friend to do her makeup earlier that afternoon, and they spent a few hours doing each other's hair and making last minute fixes to their prom get-up. She ultimately had to leave though, as they both decided that they'd have their boyfriends pick them up at their respective houses and meet up again at the banquet hall. Eileen doesn't mind, of course. Hayden had already met her parents several times; he'd even had one or two meals with them and they weren't awkward or disastrous at all. Not to mention, Eileen's parents loved him, which was surprising because she didn't think the first guy she brought home would pass their standards so quickly.

She shakes her head at the thought, deciding she should be thankful that her parents approved of her boyfriend. As she exhales, a strand of hair flies up and away from her face, and Eileen realizes her little head shake had dislodged some hair from behind her ear.

Eileen stifles a groan before reaching up to fix it. Once she's sure it won't get messed up again, she steps away from the mirror, spinning in a circle and looking around her room for her heels. Her eyes skip over her dresser which is right next to her double bed, then she glances past her study table to her open closet. Her gaze finally lands on the heels that stick out from under a pile of clothes and she rolls her eyes at her own messiness.

Eileen slowly walks over, picking them up and putting them by the door; there's no way in hell she'll walk down the stairs in those. She shuffles over to her dresser, picking up her phone and smiling when she sees that Hayden's texted. He's sent her a message saying he'll be there to pick her up in the next few minutes.

Eileen quickly types back, her manicured nails hitting the screen. Alright, babe... don't miss me too much on the drive here, her text says.

She then places her phone in a small purse, then turns to the mirror one last time. She's wearing a high-low dress, the bodice covered in sequins and the bottom half is turquoise-coloured and ruffly. Her hair is down, laid over both shoulders in perfect ringlet curls. The purse and the heels she's wearing are a matching shade of beige and complement her dress very much, as well as look good with the colour palette she used for her eyes.

Eileen smiles, excitement coursing through her at the thought of Hayden finally seeing her like this. Before she leaves the room, a small ping comes from her phone. She pulls it out and grins, seeing the text from Hayden.

Oh don't worry, princess, I won't - I'm already here.

Oh don't worry, princess, I won't - I'm already here

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It's prom night! Even I'm excited for Hayden and Eileen, oh my god. The next chapter is going to be about Hayden's prom preparations and it's happening at the same time this chapter is - just wanted to clear that up in advance. Anyway, please comment, vote, and share. Xoxo♡


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