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Hayden straightens out his tie, pulling it until it feels snug around his neck. He then puts up his arms, maneuvering his fingers into button his cuffs. The action is fairly easy, but his fingers are shaking slightly so he struggles a bit. He lets out a sigh, annoyed at his nervous, yet happy about it at the same time. The only person that's ever really made him nervous is Eileen; and if being nervous means getting to see Eileen, then he'd willingly take on all the worries people had in the world.

He stretches out his arms, shaking them a bit to get rid of the tingling in his fingers. Then he runs a hand down each sleeve, smoothing out any crease marks or wrinkles. Pleased to find that there aren't any, Hayden grins at himself in the mirror, saying something about starting the night off very well. He steps away from the mirror on his closet door, then leans over his single bed to grab his jacket from the chair that's tucked into his study desk.

Hayden gently lays it across the bed, making sure not to fold it anywhere. He turns back to his mirror, ruffling his hair a bit but not too much; the action loosens up his hair gel a bit so that it's not too disgusting to touch. He spends some time folding his shirt collar as evenly as possible - it's a shade of turquoise, of course, so that he and Eileen match.

He still hasn't seen her dress though; she didn't allow him to. She only told him what colour it was so that he could buy a matching dress shirt and bow tie. When the thought of the bow tie pops in his head, he looks around, trying to remember where he placed it. He sees it on a pile of textbooks on his desk, and he jumps up and over the bed to grab it.

Hayden crosses his room once again, and stops in front of his mirror one more time. He stares at his reflection, making sure there's nothing weird that Eileen could point out and laugh at - not that he would mind. Her good-natured teasing is one of the things he loves about her.

Hayden grabs the jacket from his bed and carefully puts it on, pulling it closed and checking his reflection once more. He can't believe tonight is the night; their night. At prom, he would make her swoon, laugh too hard, smile till her cheeks hurt, and fall in love with him all over again. Hayden already knew he did that everyday - Eileen had told him as much - but there was something romantic about prom that added to the effect. He smiles at the thought of Eileen, feeling as if it was only yesterday that he'd asked her 'officially' to go with him.

Eileen sits on the caf table, her feet propped up on the bench. She laughs at something that one of Hayden's friends had said, then turns to Hayden. "What's wrong?" she asks him. "You've been uncharacteristically quiet."

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