❝m i s s m e t h i s t i m e?❞

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"Okay, how did he even manage to keep his hands off of you in the car?" Paige asks Eileen, a puzzled look on her face. The two are standing next to the buffet table, scooping food onto their plates. Both are taking a little bit of everything, however Eileen is more partial to seafood, while Paige is going for vegetables. "Also, why did you come in a car?"

"What do you mean?" Eileen asks, as she grabs a bowl and ladles soup into it. It smells heavenly and she can't help but inhale the aroma deeply. "Didn't everyone come in a car?"

Paige rolls her eyes at her best friend's clueless state, before setting down the pair of salad tongs in her hand. "Nah, girl," she says, her tone slightly whiny. "Some of the richer boys managed to rent a limo from the other town, get it driven here by one of the rental services' chauffeurs and took their whole squad plus their dates for the ride."

Eileen's mouth forms a silent "oh" as she picks up her plate and moves past Paige to the tray of pastries on her right. "Well," she says, dragging the 'L' out. "It's not as if me and Hayden wanted one, nor would I have wanted him to surprise me by driving one up my quiet, very undisturbed street. And, his car is fairly spacious and had room for my not-so-puffy dress, okay?" Her tone makes it clear that she thought it was a stupid question and Paige sighs.

Before she can reply though, Eileen interrupts by saying, "Besides, Will didn't drive you here in a limo either, did he?"

Paige gives her an annoyed look, before picking up her plate and starting to walk back to their table. Eileen follows, holding back a chuckle. "See," she says instead, settling for a smirk.

Paige doesn't bother shooting back a sarcastic remark as they sit down at their table. Will sits next to her, his usually messy hair slicked back with gel and his face clean shaven for once. Hayden sits on Eileen's right side, and he looks up when Eileen arrives.

"You sure that's gonna fit in your dress?" Hayden teases, eyeing the food on her plate. He playfully dodges away when Eileen attempts to slap him, letting out a chuckle.

"Ugh, shut up, Hayden," Eileen snaps, which causes Hayden to laugh harder. She rolls her eyes and looks over at him, smiling at the way he throws his head back while he laughs.

She's spent a lot of time staring at him, whenever she thought he wasn't paying attention; now is one of those times. Eileen feels a smile creep onto her face as her eyes drift away from Hayden's open, guffawing mouth and to his jawline - which she always said was so sharp it could cut through diamonds. Normally, her eyes would snap back to his face or wherever she was supposed to be looking, but now... Her gaze wanders down to his black suit, form-fitting enough that it outlines his broad shoulders and his muscular arms.

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