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"I didn't know you were much of a dancer," Hayden murmurs, his hands ever so slightly pulling Eileen closer to him. She allows him to lessen the space between them, taking a deep breath of the expensive cologne that's coming in waves off of him; it makes her dizzy, putting her in a slight daze as she registers what he's said.

"I'm a girl of many talents," Eileen says slyly, then giggles. What did I just say? she thinks. But she doesn't continue the thought, already knowing why she's this impulsive. "Especially when it comes to the arts."

Hayden grins, noticing how flustered she is at the moment. He doesn't comment on it and instead, lets out a laugh before pulling Eileen closer to him again. This time, they're touching, their upper bodies pressed together and her feet moving side to side in between his as they sway to the music. He looks down at her, his eyes taking in how perfect she really looks tonight.

It's as if in the darkness, the room only lit by the lanterns that hang from the high ceilings, his eyes are more opened to the beauty in front of him. He swallows, relieved to see that her eyes are focused on something over his shoulder at the moment, as his own travel down the delicate features on her face. He's done this so many times, his eyes just glued to her, drinking in her image as if it was the last time he'd ever see her.

 He's done this so many times, his eyes just glued to her, drinking in her image as if it was the last time he'd ever see her

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This time is different. He can feel it - the desire to be alone with her, to hold her to him until there's no more space between them at all, to kiss her until they're struggling to breathe, to caress her face and whisper sweet nothings into her ear and listen to her giggle breathlessly, her chest shaking against him.

Hayden gulps, suddenly feeling too hot and constricted in his suit. He takes a shaky breath, just as Eileen's gaze lands on him again.

"Are you okay?" she asks him, frowning slightly at the almost unnoticeable expression of discomfort that darkens his features.

Hayden forces a smile, surprised that she noticed his change in mood so easily. But then again, they learned to read each other so well after all the months they'd spent together. He adjusts his hold on her waist so that it's not as close to inappropriate places as it was before, then swallows again. "Yeah, it just got, uh, really hot in here," he replies.

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