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Eileen's first instinct is to turn on her heel and walk out of this rambunctious club that her roommate has talked her into getting drinks at. Her second instinct is to dance like an idiot onstage, regardless of the fact that it's a stage for singing and not for what is sure to be crazy dancing from her.

Her roommate rolls her eyes when Eileen mentions this, and instead, drags her to the bar without letting her consider doing either. Eileen follows obediently and orders some fancy alcoholic drink, relishing the fact that she turned twenty one a few months ago and can drink all she wants. Admittedly, her newfound alcoholic freedom has left some weekends of junior year nothing more than a blur.

It doesn't bother her though, but it does piss off Hayden who worries she'll get taken advantage of or some other bad thing will happen to her while she's drunk. The thought makes her down the rest of her drink, annoyed at his paranoia. Almost immediately, she feels bad, as she knows he's just trying to protect her.

Not that he can really protect her at all, especially since he started living on campus at the end of last summer, meaning they're now even further apart. They had to drive through their hometown in order to meet during their breaks and it took almost three hours to travel back and forth.

Dwelling on the thought makes Eileen order a couple of shots, which causes her roommate to start a tab. Eileen smiles apologetically before saying she's had a terrible week and she's glad her roommate asked her to come.

Her roommate's response gets lost though, as Eileen starts to drink, knowing full well that there will be consequences tomorrow. But it all seems too far away, the heat that slides down her throat just seems so warm, the taste of tequila is too enticing, Hayden's flight isn't tonight..

Hayden's flight.

Eileen suddenly remembers the reason that she's drinking, the reason she let her roommate drag her here: her boyfriend is flying to Germany tonight. Once again, some huge opportunity sprouted up in his life, uprooting him from his home and all he's ever loved, and taking him away from her, just so that he can go and get his masters degree in some posh German university on a full scholarship.

Eileen winces at the thought, then quickly washes it away by drinking again. What kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't let him go? What kind of person would she be if she didn't let the guy she loves take on a new and exciting challenge in his life, something that can push him toward his future career?

She's faintly aware that she's asking for another shot - which she quickly downs - as her thoughts still churn in her head.

She doesn't get the same opportunities Hayden does. Eileen knows that. Choosing music meant success was defined by whether she can get gigs or not, whether she gets signed by a record label, whether she makes money even as she studies. She groans at the idea, slurring a complaint to her much sober roommate, who still happens to be next to her.

Her roommate also happens to be talking to a very cute guy, who has gorgeous blue eyes and gelled up hair, and a leather jacket... Eileen shakes her head, reminding herself that she is taken. Absolutely taken.

Just then, a bright idea pops into Eileen's head, and she pulls out her phone to text Hayden. She hopes he's still at the airport...

do yo u missss me yet, baby, she manages to type, but there are a few extra letters and misplaced spaces. She laughs but sends it anyway.

Eileen giggles again, remembering that the reason she didn't go with Hayden to the airport was because she didn't want to have to say goodbye - again. It's like all they ever said to each other these days was "goodbye" or "I'll see you soon" or the occasional "I'll be back." She laughs some more, recalling that she told him she had a test to study for the next day and that's why she couldn't make it. She forgot how easily she could lie...

A beep jars her from her drunken thoughts, and she looks down at her phone, squinting at the screen even though she has 20/20 vision.

don't need to 'missss' you, love, Hayden has texted. i'll be back soon.

Eileen frowns. Why can't her own boyfriend just miss her for once?

She vaguely remembers that this is an inside joke of theirs and she rolls her eyes, giggles again, then somehow manages to order another shot.

Oh well, if Hayden won't miss her, she won't miss him.


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I don't know anything about shots, or tequila, or drunk college students. Yet I wrote a whole chapter about it... oh well. Hope you enjoyed?

P.S. The next chapter is gonna be set during the time when Hayden comes back from Germany, so hopefully you don't get confused.

 The next chapter is gonna be set during the time when Hayden comes back from Germany, so hopefully you don't get confused

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