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Eileen throws a piece of popcorn in her mouth, chewing on it slowly, listening to it crunch in her mouth. The IMAX movie screen in front of her is bright and flashing, already showing the segments in the pre-show. But not even the host's voice is loud enough to block out the kissing noises that are coming from the couple next to her.

She tries hard to stay oblivious to their half-shadowed silhouettes, arms around each other and lips locked. It's even worse because she knows both of them. In the dimly lit cinema, her best friend's blonde head is visible, along with Hayden's best friend's brown hair. The two took a liking to each other a few days after the regional hockey championship game, where they were acquainted through Hayden and Eileen. The two had gone a few dates in the last couple of weeks, and had decided invite her and Hayden on this one.

Eileen didn't mind, as she was comfortable around all three of her companions, but she was slightly put off by the fact that this could be perceived as a double date - and she didn't know what Hayden thought of that. She pops another piece of popcorn into her mouth, cringing when she realizes it's a burnt one.

Seeing the face she makes, Hayden laughs. He's sitting next to her, his own bag of popcorn in between his legs and a Coke in the cup holder between them. He's the furthest from the happy couple that they're on a 'double date' with - as his best friend so casually put it. He doesn't call it that though, not knowing what Eileen would think of the label. He's glad he's sitting next to her though, and is even happier that she doesn't seem so flustered by that fact.

Eileen shoots him a glare, having heard his cheeky laugh, then excuses herself to go the washroom before the movie starts. She turns toward their friends, then realizes she won't be able to pass through and instead, turns to Hayden and shimmies past him slowly. She's not facing him, and she curses mentally, remembering that she's wearing tight, formfitting jeans. She doesn't want Hayden to think she's flaunting herself around him, so she speeds up.

Before walking away though, she calls out, "Don't miss me too much." She casts a sly smirk at him, deciding to throw caution to the wind and just flirt.

Hayden notices, just as he couldn't help but notice her as she slipped past him. He grins back cheekily, then responds, "Oh, I won't."

Eileen rolls her eyes as she walks out of the cinema and to the washroom down the hall. When she gets back, the trailers are already starting, and the theatre is dark. She makes her way back to her seat, shimmying her way past Hayden more gracefully this time. She smiles at him, before going back to eating her popcorn.

The movie their friends had picked is in the horror genre, and less than five minutes in, there's already been a couple of jump scares. It doesn't faze Hayden that much, having watched one too many horror movies during a finals night, distracting himself from studying. But for Eileen, it's a literal nightmare. The movie plot is creepy, and the jump scares are strangely haunting, as if the figures on the screen are staring deep into her soul. She can't help cringe and jump slightly every time a scary figure pops up.

Hayden can feel Eileen fidgeting next to him, and he debates whether to put his arm around her. He decides against it, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Of all the times that they'd acted slightly more than friends, Eileen had been the one to initiate it and Hayden just accepted, which showed he was willing to take it further. But now, he couldn't bring himself to make a move - not yet.

Another shadowy creep appears on screen, accompanied with a bone-chilling screech that causes Eileen to practically jump out of her seat, her fingers curling around the arm rest. Hayden reaches out to grab his Coke right then, his fingers brushing against hers. He freezes, the heat of her hands warming his fingertips, as his hand hovers above hers.

Eileen can feel his touch, his fingers cold but not unpleasantly so. She refuses to look at him, a blush starting to make her face heat up. Instead, she waits, wanting to see what he would do.

Hayden hesitates again, nervousness getting the best of him. He swallows, pushing any negative thoughts out of his head, then rests his hand on Eileen's, wrapping his fingers around hers. He feels her fingers relax, letting go of the arm rest as she turns her hand over slowly.

As Hayden laces his fingers with hers, Eileen feels a different kind of joy course through her. Now, as the stuff of nightmares flash across the screen, Hayden squeezes her hand, rubbing his thumb in circles on her skin front time to time, doing his best to comfort her.

Not even the horror movie can wipe the stupid, giddy grin off of Eileen's face now.

Not even the horror movie can wipe the stupid, giddy grin off of Eileen's face now

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Anybody wanna come up with ship names for Hayden and Eileen? ;) Anyway, thank you again for the continuing support. Please comment, vote, and share as usual. Xoxo♡


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