a u d i t i o n

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Eileen walks onstage, more nervous that she's ever been for a performance. She shakes her head slightly, reminding herself that this isn't just a number that she can screw up and get away with. This is an audition that decides her fate. Literally.

She tries to steady her footsteps, her running shoes making dull thuds on the wooden flooring of the stage. Despite her casual choice in footwear, she's wearing a nice blue dress which is simple yet it makes her feel mature and presentable at the same time. She straightens up as she walks, forcing herself to have an aura of confidence and tries to move more gracefully. She knows she isn't a dancer, but she wants the judges to see that she's capable of keeping her composure. It's a skill all performers must have after all.

Eileen exhales, letting the action calm her down. During all the times she's had to perform, the only thing that keeps her from going insane are the different breathing techniques she's been taught. She uses them now, regulating her breathing as she reaches the center of the stage.

The panel of judges acknowledge her by saying hello, then ask a few questions about who she is. Eileen answers them with ease, clasping her hands in front of her so they won't shake. The judges then ask her why she's interested in joining this program. Eileen hesitates just for a moment before she replies. When the words start to spill out of her mouth, she doesn't pause. She talks about her passion for music, her dream of turning it into a profession, and how she's determined to do anything it takes to get there.

The judges nod and the woman on the far left asks her what song she'll perform. Eileen answers, letting them know that it's a song she wrote. They exchange impressed glances, then give her the cue to begin.

She curtsies out of politeness, then turns around and walks over the piano bench. She takes a seat, positioning her fingers at her starting keys. Eileen didn't bother bringing sheet music or chords, as today, she's determined to play from memory and her heart. With one last heavy sigh, she starts to play.

The notes, lyrics, rhythm, and melody are all about senior year... and Hayden. She sings about the struggle she's had with school work, the weight of performing, the ease of creating music. The notes she plays convey so many emotions, swooping high and low, just like her own roller coaster of emotions this year.

She turns her all of her memories with Hayden into beautiful music.

The first time Hayden acknowledged her. The first time Eileen blatantly flirted with him. The first time Hayden offered to be her tutor. All the moments they shared in the playground, hanging out together all the way until the sun dipped below the horizon. The first time Eileen had the courage to hug him. The first time Hayden held her hand. All the memories they'd made in school and outside of it. The dates, the flirting, the sweetness, the confusion, the hurt, the pain... the love.

Eileen pours everything she has into the audition, her fingers hitting the keys with passion and her voice thick with emotion. She pours more than her heart and soul into the music - she gives everything she has to offer. When she finishes, she takes a moment to collect herself and revert back to a serene performer, calm and cool.

The judges applaud, acknowledging that she did well. Eileen smiles, pleased with herself. They tell her she'll receive news about her acceptance (or rejection) in the next two weeks. She curtsies again, then thanks them. She walks out a lot happier than she was when she walked in; in the back of her mind, she can still hear her performance echoing and she's relieved to have survived it.

Eileen's even happier when she sees that Hayden waits outside, leaning against his car. She runs to him, squealing and saying she can't believe she survived her audition. Then she kisses him, stepping back and smiling sweetly.

Hayden laughs at her excitement, then gives her a hug, congratulating her for being able to handle the audition. He opens the car door, saying they'll go out for lunch to celebrate.

Before she walks in though, Eileen puts her hand on his. "So did you miss me while I was gone?" she asks, grinning at him.

Hayden hesitates for a moment, before grabbing her hand and pulling her into a tight hug. She yelps in surprise, but then nestles her head into his chest, listening to the vibration in his chest as he speaks. "Hmm, I don't think so, babe," he jokes.

Hayden hugs her tightly, not ready to let go. He's so proud of her; if she gets accepted into this school, she'll be living her dream. He swallows down the lump on his throat that forms at the thought. He knows that if she gets accepted, and he passes his exam, they'll be separated.

Hayden shakes his head. For the moment, his pride and happiness for her outweighs the fear that's starting to sink in.


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I have exams coming up but I'll still try to update as regularly as possible. :)


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