Chapter 1- Your Past

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[Y/n]= Your name
[H/l]= Hair length
[H/c]= Hair color

([Y/n]: Age, 7)
Reader pov.

"[Y/n]! [Y/n]! It's time for breakfast!" My big brother said, I opened one eye and smiled slightly then shut it and tried to go back to sleep.

"Don't do that. Come on, I will carry you upside down if you don't walk." He said smirking, I made him think that I hated being carried upside down but honestly, I loved it!

"No, go away and let me sleep." He sighed and thew the blanket I had on and grabbed my ankles, I struggled to get lose to keep the act up.

I sighed in defeat and crossed my arms, my brother Rin snickered and walked out of my room down the stairs and into the dinning room "Good morning [Y/n]-Chan!" My big sisters said, I yawned and waved.

Rin grabbed my hand and pulled me up, he dropped me on my feet. I sat in between Rin and his twin brother, Rei. My mother gave me my plate and sat across from my father.

I looked at the plate full with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Mom gave me a glass of orange juice and started to eat. I licked my lips at the meal and started to eat like I haven't eaten in days.

My family sweat dropped when I finished, I got up and washed my dish. I went to my room to change into a white T-shirt and blue jeans. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my [h/l] [h/c] hair. I walked out and looked around my room.

'What to do now' I thought to myself, my eyes landed on a box, I walked to the box and opened it. It had pictures of all of us and a family photo. I smiled to myself and put one picture of each in my pocket to show Rin and Rei.

Just when I reached for the door knob my mom opened it and grabbed my hands taking me back to my bed to sit down.

She had a sad smile on her face as she looked at me "Mom, what's wrong?" She ignored my question and sighed "Sweetheart, I have to tell you something important so listen up."

She said making me confused and curios "You are very different from the rest of the clan, you are stronger and you have more of this thing that is called chakra. The reason behind this is that the-"

She was cut off by an explosion outside, she jumped up and looked out of the window "They're here." She mumbled not meaning for me to hear "Who, who's here Mommy?" She looked at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the kitchen.

"They are here." She said, Rin looked at me with a sad expression, he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug that lasted a minute or two untill the door blew open.

Rin and Rei stepped protectively in front of me "Leave [Y/n] alone!" My brothers yelled as my mother moved her chakra to her right arm and swung at one of the strangers but missed.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back to his chest, he pulled out a kunei and put it up to her neck "RUN [Y/N]!! RUNAWAY, DON'T LET THESE BAD MEN TOUCH YOU!!" She yelled.

"What about you guys?" I asked tears brimming my eyes, she smiled a weak but genuine smile "This is the last time we meet now go and know that we love you, [Y/n]."

I nodded tears now running down my face, I didn't look away fast enough and saw the man slit her throat. I ran away as fast as I could, not taking a break even once untill I got to a river and sat down to catch my breath.

I remembered the pictures that were in my pocket and took them out to look at their smiling faces. A tear rolled down my already tear stained face, I wiped away the tears and cupped my hands bending down to grab the water.

I washed my face, arms, legs, and feet. I was massaging my aching bare feet when I made a pledge 'I [Y/n] Suko of the fallen Suko clan, pledge to never cry in front of people again.' I stopped massaging my foot when I heard a loud obnoxious voice say, "It is so YOUTHFUL!" It yelled, I started to hear foot steps coming closer to me. I stood up and pulled out the only hidden weapon I, being four years old, had.

"Do you sense that Kakashi?" The voice said again "Yeah." Said a calm yet guarded voice, the foot steps came closer to me and one voice said "It's just a kid."

Two men walked out of the trees, one had black shiny hair and a green suit with a darker green vest on top and yellow things at the ends of his pants and ninja shoes.

The other one had silver spiky hair, a dark blue shirt with a vest exactly like the other except his was zipped and the others wasn't, he had dark blue pants that, on his thigh, had a kunei holder, his pants stopped an inch or so before his ankles which was wrapped in bandages.

"Are you lost? Where are your parents?" The silver haired on asked, I looked down and said "Dead, they d-died."

His expression softened and said "What is your name?" I looked up "It's common curtisy to state your name first." I said and he sighed "Hatake, Hatake Kakashi." I looked at the guy next to him.

"My name is Maito Gai." He said while poking his thumb to his chest, I nodded "My name is [Y/n] Suko of the Suk- of the fallen Suko clan." I said, they looked shocked, Hatake held out his hand.

"We can take you to our village if you would like." I hesitantly took his hand and he pulled you to the village hidden in the leaves.

He brought me to the hokage who gave me an apartment and money, he said that I start at the academy tomorrow. Hatake took me to my apartment and said good night.

I took a shower and put on a black shirt and underwear I found in a drawer that Hatake told me I would find them in.

'I will miss you, Rin, Rei, Akio, Akira, mom, dad' I think drifting off to sleep.


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