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Anywere but here. IN AN ANIME!!!! I wish...

Okay, so far, this is the ballet scores...

Shikamaru- 7
Kiba- 6
Sasuke- 7
Naruto- 7
Neji- 3
Garra- 4
Kakashi- 4
Shino- 1
All- 8

So there is a great chance that I will be writing multiple endings.

Unknown 1 pov

"It is now time, go after her now. She will grow stronger and kill all of you. That is a necessary sacrifice in order to save her from what lies ahead. If she can not kill you, kill her." "Yes master."

(Y/n) pov

"A-A-A...ACHOOO!!!" "Are you okay
(Y/n)?" I sniffed, "Y-yeah. Someone must be talking about me." Sasuke frowned, "Who would talk bad about you?" He mumbled, "WHO WOULD TALK ABOUT YOU AT ALL?!" Pinky said and I inwardly smirked.

I made my lip quiver and looked down, "Y-yeah, your r-right." Naruto looked at Sakura and then at me, he hugged me like he was protecting me from Sakura, "HEY!!!" Sasuke's hand was balled up in a fist. He was shaking, "sakura,
(her name not being UPPERCASED means he's serious if you couldn't tell)
, you're so..." He stopped short. He got into a fighting position.

Unknown 2 pov

"Get her away from her friends. We want no one to interfere with the operation."
I smirked and touched the button on my ear piece, "Yes sir."

(Y/n) pov

I hugged Naruto, "It's okay." I turned to Sakura, let go of Naruto, and gave her a smile, "I'm sorry." They all looked confused, "What do you mean sor-

I was pushed over the cliff that was beside us. I hadn't noticed the drop before now. My voice was taken from me. I couldn't speak. I was falling, I think. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact of the ground. It never came. I opened my eyes to darkness.

I stood up confused, "Where am i?" I heard a noise, "I know your there. I can hear and sense you, you, bastard." I sensed farther than the cave, "Bastardssss, unfair but, ideal for an attack. But not on an inoccent little girl." I said mockingly. I heard a laugh. Torches came on along the cave walls. I smirked, "Finally, some light."
You sound so cool XD
"(Y/n). Young, young (Y/n). Our master has gave me a mission. (Y/n). Get ready to die"

I know it's short again, gomenasai. I love you guys. BYE MINNA!!!

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