Chapter 7- The bridge builder part 2

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I waited at the gates like instructed with Sasuke. There was an awkward silence that was soon broken by him,

"Hey, [Y/n]?" I looked at him and hummed "Hmm." He walked closer to me and said "Well, since we are going to be in the same team and all, I want to know more about you."

I tilted my head slightly "What do you wanna know?" He sat next to me "I don't know. Anything. Your past maybe." I tensed and he noticed "U-um. My past." His eyes widened and he knew he should stop me "It's okay if it is hard to say. You can tell me when your ready." I nodded and looked at my hands.

I heard foot steps and looked back. I saw Naruto coming to me. I smiled at him and he sat down on the other side of me.

I could tell by him panting that he was running "Good morning Naruto-kun." "Good morning [Y/n]-chan!" Sasuke hnd, I chuckled at the raven haired boy next to me.

I saw Sakura behind us yelling "[Y/n]! Get away from my Sasuke-kun! I'll kill you before you take him away!" I mumbled "Danger." And ran to a tree and climbed it and watching from above.

I saw Sakura hug Sasuke and him try to push her off. Naruto climbed up the tree and sat with me. I fell asleep on Naruto's shoulder, waiting for the old man and

**El Time Skip**

I woke up and was being carried I by Kakashi-sensei, bridal style. I yawned and he put me down. I walked beside Naruto and eventually Sasuke walked beside me. We walked for a little bit them came across a puddle.

I looked at Kakashi-sensei and he nodded. I pretended like it wasn't there and let my eyes wander. The next thing I know sensei is torn to shreds. I held my laugh thinking 'How stupid are these guys?' Sakura started to cry over her 'dead' sensei.

Naruto froze up and Sasuke got into fighting stance in front of Tazuna. I saw them start to go after Naruto. I stood in front of Naruto, kunei in hand. They cut my shoulder and Naruto's hand.

I looked at them with my hair covering my eyes emitting a dangerous aura. They backed up and I punched all three. They laid passed out on the floor. "Sensei, you can come out now." I heard a sigh and Kakashi-sensei came out of the tree. He inspected my wound with a heartbroken look on his face.


I looked at Naruto and he looked at my wound sadly. Kakashi-sensei shook his head "We will have to go back to the village and treat your wounds, Naruto and [Y/n]." I looked at sensei and glared Naruto got a kunei and stabbed his wound.

He said this inspiring speech and I pretended to listen. I took the kunei out of Naruto's hand and it started to heal. I wasn't fazed and wrapped it in a bandage to keep him from knowing. I inspected my shoulder "Hmm, now what will I do with this?" I asked no one. I then had an idea.

I put my good hand on the wound. My palm glowed green. I waited for a minute or two then removed it and move my hand around.

I smiled and Kakashi-sensei cleared his throat. I turned to the others "Oh yeah. I probably should explain." Sakura nodded "Okay. When my parents were, when I was little, my brother, I was taught to do this jutsu incase I get hurt. They taught me more jutsus than that but I'll say them another time." Naruto nodded and we were on our way.

**De la time skipe**

We were riding a boat and I was sleeping on Kakashi-sensei's lap. The boys glared in envy at the silver haired shinobe. The boatman cut the engine and started to row "We are almost there." Sasuke went to wake me up but Kakashi shooed him away.

Kakashi looked at Tazuna "Mr. Tazuna, I want to ask you something. The men that are after you. Why? If you don't tell us I'm afraid we will have to end this mission when we drop you ashore." They started to talk about Gato and stuff. I woke up "Good morning." Sakura sweat dropped.

I got up and sat next to Naruto. We reached the peer and got off the boat. I stretched and walked ahead of them. We walked in a forest and this big knife thing flew to Tazuna.

I pushed Tazuna down and got a scratch on my arm. I looked at the weapon that now had a person standing on it. "Well well. It's Zabuza Mamochi. A rouge ninja." Naruto ran forward only to be stopped but Kakashi "But why?" "Because. He is in a whole other league than those other ninja." He reached for his eye thing.

He lifted it and I saw a "S-sharingan?" We got into mosie formation. They were fighting and Kakashi-sensei got caught in a water bubble.

(Gomenasai for rushing)

Sasuke called me and Naruto over. Naruto gave him a shuriken an smirked getting behind him. I passed Naruto my shuriken and got behind Naruto with my second shuriken I had been holding.

I don't know why we gave each other a shuriken when we already had one but I decided not to question it and go by the plan.

Sasuke, Naruto, and I threw the shuriken at him. The first one almost hit him but he doged it like all the rest. He grabbed the second one. I smirked 'This is going great.' Naruto had been following in the shadows of my shuriken by turning into one himself.

Zabuza was almost struck with the kunei that the 'shuriken' held. He let go of the sensei and doged it. I ran to Naruto that was about to be in the middle of a giant fight.

They fought with me and Naruto on the side. A kunei was thrown at Naruto and I stepped in front of him and it his my arm that I held in front of my face. Naruto looked shocked. I smiled at him. Zabuza escaped and I knew what happened next "3, 2, 1-" Kakashi-sensei fell and I caught him "You can't be using that much chakra sensei." We walked to Tazuna's house. I asked Naruto to take the kunei out of my hand and I started to heal it.

We got to Tazuna's house and I asked were to put sensei. Tazuna showed us the room that we would be staying in and I layed him on the bed. I went to the kitchen and got a warm washcloth and went to the room again.

I put it on sensei's forehead and stayed with him. I slowly drifted off to a nightmare-filled sleep

Hey minna. Gomenasai for I rushing threw the fight and the part at Tazuna's house. I wrote 1194 words today! I hope you have a good day.
Bye minna!

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