(If I Put A Title It Would Spoil The Chapter)

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Naruto pov

S-she promised me that she wouldn't leave. She was all I had. She still is everything I have.

(This is making me sad😢😭)

"Sasuke." He hasn't slept for weeks, though, I shouldn't be taking, neither have I, "Go to sleep. I-i will go and search for her." He turned around, he had his sharingan activated.l, "No. We are both going. Get dressed before we go." I look down, 'crap, I forgot to put on my shirt'

I run to the next room and throw a shirt on -running back to Sasuke, I tripped on a picture. "(Y/n)" I whispered, A tear flowing down my cheek, "I will find you." I walked the rest of the way. I got there to see Sasuke's hair covering his face.

Tears were falling and hitting the wood beneath our feet. While looking for (Y/n), we had stopped our search and moved it outside the village. We settled here, in this shack/small house. He looked up at me, "Oh," He wiped his tears before I could stop him, "hey Naruto. Let's go." I nodded, not being able to find words.

We walked out of the house and further into the woods. We split up. I heard a scream and ran towards it. "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! NNNNNAAAAAARRRRRUUUUUTTTTOOOOOOO!!!!! SSSSAAAAASSSSUUUUKKKKKEEEEE!!!!!! SSSOOOOMMMMEEE OOOONNNNEEE,,,, HHHHHEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!" I heard someone yell,

"Threw here?!" I thought aloud, breaking a camouflaged wall. (Slow motion...read like that except the things the characters say. Thanks!) The wall broke and I jumped in. This girl wiped around to look at me. Her long, brown hair in her face, "(Y/-(Y/n)?" I spoke and she smiled and mumbled, "N-naruto. I told him you would come. I-i m-"

She didn't get to finish because the guy in black knocked her out. I ran to him and punched him, "YOU HURT SOMETHING PRECIOUS TO ME!! NOW YOU SHALL PAY!!" It wasn't even my voice anymore.

It didn't sound like me at all. I passed out but I was still fighting and moving, 'Kumara?'


'Gehe. You found me out. I'll bring you and your little girlfriend home in one piece. Don't worry." I mentally smiled and drifted off to sleep.


"(Y/N)!" I yelled sitting up on a bed, "WHAT?!" 'T-that was h-her voice. I jumped off the bed and ran to the room I heard her in, "Hey Naruto. Long time no see." She turned around and smiled, my heart lurched and tears streamed down my face, "(Y/N)." I ran to her and hugged her so tight I might not be able to let go, nor do I want to.

She smiled and instantly hugged back. Sasuke came in the door and we parted, "(Y-Y/n)?" He ran and hugged her. I hugged her at the same time. We took her back to the village and she got a lot of hugs. She was smiling, she was happy. I was happy for her.

Who knew Naruto had deep thoughts? I did! Even a little ray of pure sunshine has to have deep thoughts. *don't listen to me btw* Okei! So...YOU WERE SAVED!!! Now time for those dreaded Orochimaru episodes. YUCK! Oh well...BYE MY MINNA!!!!!! Word count: 550!

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