Chapter 8- Practice! Climbing trees with no hands?

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Hey minna. I had to enter that song. It's my second favorite opening song of Naruto! Sasuke WILL be bitten by Orochimaru, I watched the series again and it's pretty inportant that he does. So, here's the chapter now!

I felt someone shaking me so I opened my eyes. Naruto. He looked confused and sad. "[Y/n]. Why were you crying?" I tensed and touched my cheek. Wet. I looked down. "I-i had another bad dream, that's all." Naruto didn't seem convinced. He sighed and sat next to me. He engulfed me into a hug.

We stayed like that untill Sasuke came in. He looked at my face, that still had tears on it, and walked over with a guilty expression. "What's wrong?" I told him the same as Naruto and he hugged me aswell. I let go and wiped my tears.

I stood up and opened my hands like a book. "Okay! Case closed!" I clapped my hands together. "It was just a nightmare! Nothing to worry about!" I got up, stretched, and walked out the door with the boys following behind me. We walked to the kitchen and sat down. Tazuna's daughter brought us food and we ate. Before I ate anything, I bowed my head and thanked Tazuna's daughter.

"Thank you Tazuna's daughter." She smiled "Please call me Tsunami." I nodded and started eating. I looked down the table and spotted a little boy. His eyes were on the wall and when I looked, there was a picture of the little boy, Tsunami, and Tazuna with this man. I knew that I shouldn't ask so I kept eating.

I finished and cleaned the dishes. Sakura asked about the picture and I facepalmed. 'Stupid Sakura and her nosyness' I looked at the little kid. A tear fell to the table as he stood and ran up the stairs to the room. I stood, not thinking, and ran after him. "Inari!" I heard his mother say as I chased after him.

I made it upstairs and heard a door slam to my right. I walked in the direction of the sound. I was about to pass a door but, I heard crying. I stopped and listened. "Why? Why did you leave me?" A tear rolled down my face. I rubbed it away quickly and knocked on the door. "Go away!" I opened the door, walking to the boy. He backed up. I sat down next to him. He glared at me.

Another tear rolled down my cheek. His glare softened. He hugged me and started to cry again. I held him and stroked his hair. "I-it will be okay." "Promise?" "I promise." I smiled warmly. He sniffed. I pulled back and wiped his tears. He yawned and fell asleep on my lap. "I promise." I whispered again and fell asleep, leaning on the windowsill.

Time skip! (I had to make Inari happy, I can't let him be sad, I makes me sad)

I fell. Down. Down. The lower I went the more I tried to scream. Nothing came out. I gave up. I gave up yelling and decided to think. Think. My life flashing in the darkness. My parents death. My time at the academy. My time with Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru. I saw the ground and closed my eyes. Waiting for the impact that never came.
(End of dream)

I sat up. Looked around. I was in Inari's room still. I stood and walked down stairs. Kakashi-sensei saw me and said to meet them outside. I nodded and got dressed.

I looked at myself in the mirror and ran outside. "Gomenasai for making you all wait." Sakura pointed her finger at me "YOU BETTER BE! WE WAITED FOR YOU TO WAKE UP FOR HOURS AND YOU NEVER DID! YOU HAD US WORRIED STUPID!" I looked down and nodded "Yeah? I'm sorry."

I looked up "But now that I'm here, LET'S GO TRAIN!!" I fist bumped the air and Naruto said "YEAH LET'S GO!!" We followed Kakashi-sensei into the woods. We came across a clearing. "Okay. Today's lesson. Tree climbing, with no hands." My mouth dropped.

"Kakashi-sensei. What do you mean 'no hands'? How do you climb a tree with no hands?" Sakura asked. "You focus your chakra into you feet. Then you walk up the tree, like this." He walked up the tree. "Now you try." He threw shuriken at four trees. We focused.

I saw nothing but black untill a flicker of blue passed my closed eyes. I opened my eyes and ran up the tree. I didn't make it to the shuriken but made a mark with my kunei and fell back. Focusing again. Blue flick- no, wave, a blue wave passed my closed eyes. I opened them again and ran up the tree.

I made it farther up and cut the tree. I glared at the tree. "Yay! I did it!" I looked at Sakura's tree. SHE CLIMBED IT ALL THE WAY TO THE SHURIKEN! 'How did she do that?' I asked myself. "Well well well, it seems that Sakura has the best chakra control." Sensei laughed "Hnd" Sasuke ran up and got...farther than me. 'What?' did Naruto.

"What! Why can't I go that high?! Ugh!" I put most of my chakra into my feet and ran up the tree, making it whole in it and I...I fell. Sakura laughed earning a glare from me and Sasuke. She whimpered because Sasuke glared at her. I sat down and closed my eyes.

I focused on my feet. The blue flicker, the wave, the ocean. No, that's to much. The ocean left. The flicker, the wave, a cloud? I opened my eyes. Stood. And ran up the tree. I barely touched the shuriken then fell.

I wouldn't be able to land right. I closed my eyes, the impact would hurt, badly. The wind echoed in my ears. A felt a hand on my ankle, holding it. I opened my eyes to see someone I didn't expect to see, it was...

I'm so sorry for not updating as much as I should. I wrote 1035 words! I hope you have a good day! Bye minna!

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