Chapter 16- It's all my fault

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Hey minna!!! Okay so...don't get mad but...THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!! :D It really is. I will be starting a new book and I want some suggestions!!! This book will be updated more often. I PROMISE!!!!! Well. Here is your ending!!!! And no, you won't like this ending, I am almost sure of it!!!! Don't forget suggestions!!!!!

"Naruto~ carry me~ I'm so tired." The blonde shrugged and put me on his back turning a little red. We are on a mission to save a princess. It sounded fun until I found out that the princess was a snob. I hate snobs. Sasuke pulled me off Naruto's back and smirked. He put me on his shoulders and Naruto looked mad. So did the princess, 'OH HELL NA!!!' I thought.

(Okay, I have decided that this princess makes me mad so I will include her dying a year later  after the ending😁)

Kakashi rolled his eyes and carried me bridal style. The princess looked even madder, 'Kakashi too?' I snuggled up closer to Kakashi and the princess blew her top, "GET OFF HIM!!!" Kakashi, Sasuke, and Naruto looked at the princess. She blushed hard, "Nothing! I didn't say it!"

They rolled their eyes. We walked for a long time and I fell asleep in Kakashi's arms. The princess tried to get someone to pick her up and carry her but, no one did. "(Y/n)~ wake up~" "Hmm...?" "We are here," I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful shrine. I stood up and looked around.

We walked into the shrine, "T-this is not the s-shrine," We looked around,"HURRY GET OU-," the floor crashed down. It was dark and I found a burning sensation erupting from my arms and knees that caught me, I had used chakara the cling to the wall.

The others had done so after me but we were missing someone, "THE PRINCESS!!!" I ran down the wall but wasn't getting there fast enough, "Damn it," I muttered and jumped off the wall and went down fast. I got the princess and threw her up to Naruto, "CATCH!" He caught it and I smiled.

"(Y/N)!" I quickly got back to the wall and started to climb down, "HEY WHERE ARE YA' GOING?!" "DOWN" I yelled at the blonde who is the only one not climbing down, "COME ON!!" He ran down to catch up with us.

Once we reached the bottom Kakashi sensei gave us a light, which was a small flame coming from his hand. We walked around a lot before coming to a pit. I looked at the lava and occasional rock, excitedly, "Let's go-" we heard the rocks move and a person emit from the lava.

We didn't see what he looked like or even how it happened. All we knew is that we were all dead. The princess ran back and hid behind the only rock that seemed like it wouldn't move.

We started to go back but rocks tumbled down in between us and the princesses, "Oh great, that's just great," I said while jumping on rock after rock to get to the mysterious person,

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He laughed when I got right next to him, "You stupid girl. You'll die first," I jumped back one rock. The nerve of this guy.

I jumped next to him and poked his chest multiple times pushing him back everytime, "ExcUSe mE?!" He laughed even louder, "Do you know who I am, (Y/n)?" I facepalmed, "Um, I just asked you who the hell you are," He thought for a moment, "No ya' didn't," He laughed again and I sweatdroped.

He was then shot my multiple arrows, "Wah-?" One arrow pierced my chest and went all the way through, ((This goes in slow motion)) , "(Y/N)!!!" I fell in the lava behind me.


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