Chapter 6- Survival Exercise

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I walked down the stairs of my old house and saw my brothers, sisters, and parents sitting at the table. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing things, I removed my hands and saw them half dead saying "Why didn't you save us
[Y/n]? We needed your help and you left us. Have you forgotten us." I had tears streaming down my face and I shook my head "N-no, l-leave me alone. WHY ARE YOU MY NIGHTMARE!" I yelled and closed my eyes only to open them and see a beautiful meadow.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei were running after each other. I giggled and blinked, the world turned red and my team was half dead at my feet, holding my ankles "Your parents would be alive if it wasn't for you, you monster!" I shook my head 'no' lightly and closed my eyes "Wake up [Y/n], wake up, please."

**Not Dream**

I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed with tears streaming down my face again. I took a minute to calm down and got ready for the day. I ate breakfast and then I walked to the training grounds and sat in a tree, I didn't go to sleep because I didn't want to wake up with tears streaming down my face.

I sat crisscross and waited for my team. It felt like hours had past. I felt a presents behind me and a hand over my shoulder "Yo." I smiled slightly "Hey sensei, it looks like your not the one that's late today." He shrugged and looked fake hurt taking his arm away. We waited for a few more minutes and the team came.

I was about to jump down and join them when Kakashi-sensei put his hand in front of me and shook his head. I tilted my head in confusion but obeyed "We're is sensei and [Y/n]-chan?" Naruto-kun asked, we made them wait for a few minutes and he did a hand sign and said "Shunshin no Jutsu." And we poofed in front of my team "Yo." He said again "YOUR LATE!" Sakura yelled then she saw me and so did the two boys "Why are you with Kakashi-sensei [Y/n]?" I shrugged and walked to my team "Okay, today is the survival exercise. You will pass or be sent to the academy." We glared daggers in to him "All you have to do is get these bells frome me, simple." We nodded and went to hide, except for this blonde headed moron who stayed and picked a fight with Kakashi-sensei.

Sensei was about to use his '1000 years of pain' jutsu on him when I got out of my hiding spot and kicked
Kakashi-sensei away from Naruto. I grabbed the bells from him and made fake ones and put them in the original spot.

I ran back and away from the angry Kakashi-sensei and laughed. When I was sure I lost him, I went to the hiding spots of my team.

I found Sasuke first and tapped his shoulder making him turn around "Here." I gave him a bell and went to find Naruto and Sakura. I saw them arguing and tapped them, again, on the shoulder "Here." They took it and I went to find Kakashi-sensei, I saw him looking around a clearing.

I laughed making him turn to me "YOU!" He yelled at me "Yes sensei?" He walked to me and I said "I got the bells by the way." His eyes widened and he pulled out the 'bells' and I released the jutsu "We're are the bells now?" I smiled "I gave them to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura."

I saw Kakashi-sensei's eyes go wider "They didn't want to team with me so, I just figured that I would get the bells for them so they wouldn't fail. I am prepared to go back to the academy sensei."

(Pretend that I put that in)

I bowed and walked away, he grabbed my shoulder and his eye creased, indicating that he was smiling "Follow me" I nodded and we walked to the others. We saw Naruto and everyone with a sad look on their faces, I wonder why?

I walked up to them and poked Naruto's cheek "Hey~, Naruto-kun~, what's wrong~?" He turned around with a sad look "Y-you gave the bells to us and now you w-won't pass." Sasuke was sulking on the grass and Sakura was frowning, even though on the inside you could see she was happy 'Cha! I don't have to worry about [Y/n] stealing Sasuke away!' Sakura thought. I smiled at him.

"If I didn't, you would have gone through this unnecessary trial, delaying you becoming the hokage. A loyal friend of the future hokage has to do everything in order to make it happen. I promise you this, Naruto, from this day forward, I don't care how hard, I will do whatever it takes to make you kokage."

He was now about to cry, he hugged me and I instantly hugged back "I promise, your all I have left, so I will make your dream come true." I said in his ear, he held me tighter.

I let go and so did he, I was tied to the post and they all ate in front of me. Sasuke looked...concerned? He came a little closer to me "Are you sure you don't want any food?" He said when the sensei 'left', I nodded and my stomach made a noise. I blushed "You don't sound so sure." I shook my head 'no' and didn't  look at him.

I thought of something to say and smiled up at him "I'll be fine. I've done it before. So you, eat up." He looked taken aback "D-done it b-before?" I nodded and the smile I was holding turned fake "Yep! When I ran from my old house to here. I lived very far away, but that's in the past, so eat, you need your strength to be a skilled shinobe and kill that certain person."

I finished and my stomach grumbled again, Naruto sighed and got up. He put his food forcefully into my mouth and keep it there "Eat." I had no choice. I chewed then swallowed.

The rest of my team did the same and then thunder clouds "YOU!!!" Kakashi-sensei's voice rang through the clouds. Then, it all stopped and Kakashi appeared behind us "Pass." He said nicely "P-pass?" I said and he nodded "You all pass. Tomorrow we will meet at the hokage's office for our first mission."

He poofed away and my team walked away leaving me still tied to the pole "HEY! IS SOMEONE GONNA UNTIE ME!!??" Naruto ran over and untied me "Thanks Naruto-kun." He nodded and we went home.

I know it was kinda quick but my school work and my aunt had another baby. I hope you forgive me, bye minna!

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