Chapter 2- First Day At The Academy

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[Y/n] pov.

I woke up to an alarm and slammed my fist on top, instantly breaking it. I sighed and wiped the newly fallen tears of my nightmares and took a shower.

I walked passed my closet to see it cracked open. Me, being the curious four year old I was, opened it all the way to see a bunch of training outfits. I grabbed one and put it on.

(Chose one from above)

I brushed my [h/l] [h/c] hair and looked in the mirror, I sighed and turned away and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. I pulled out a bowl, a box of cereal, and some milk.

I pored it in a bowl and got a spoon to eat. After breakfast I brushed my teeth then grabbed my sword and sheeth and attached it to my clothing.

There was a knock at my door, I opened it and saw Hatake "The hokage told me to take you to school since you don't know were it is." I nodded and followed him out of my house, to school.

"Wait here until you hear your name." "Okay." There was a cloud of smoke then when it cleared he was gone, I put my ear to the door and listened "Before we re-do the transformation jutsu because of Naruto, we have a new student today and her name is [Y/n]."

I opened the door and walked in. I looked around and saw the boys in the room had hearts in their eyes except this boy with a scarf on his face and a boy with black hair and a dark blue shirt, they were slightly blushing.

When the girls noticed, they glared at me. I looked at the teacher and saw he was slightly glaring at the boys with a pink tint to his checks. He was holding a rope that was tied around this boy with blonde hair and whisker like things.

"Hello [Y/n], introduce yourself." I nodded and looked back to the class.

"Hey, my name is [Y/n] Suko of the Suko clan." There eyes widened and then the teacher spoke "I am your teacher, you can call me, Iruka-sensei."

I nodded and he kept talking "You may go sit..." He looked around the room "...behind Sasuke." He finished and a hand went up, I followed it and took a seat behind the hand.

"As I was saying before we met our new student, since Naruto got in trouble we are going to do the transformation jutsu again even if you passed." I heard 'ugh' and 'Naruto!' but I just stayed silent and watched.

"Okay first up Sakura." A girl with pink hair walked up to the front of the class and looked at us, she did a hand sign and said "Transform!" The a puff of smoke came and disappeared to revel another Iruka-sensei.

"Good job Sakura," She looked excited "Did you see that Sasuke did you, did you?!" The boy in front of me rolled his eyes and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha." The boy, Sasuke, walked to the front and all the girls except me, who was just staring at all the girls dumbfounded, had hearts in their eyes. He looked to the class and did the hand sign. He transformed into Iruka-sensei aswell.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He said and the blonde haired boy walked up "This is a total waste of time Naruto." A boy with pineapple hair said "Yeah we always pay for your screw ups." Said a girl with bleach blonde hair said "Like I care."

Naruto faced the class and did the hand sign "Transform." There was a puff of smoke and it cleared to reveal an older woman version of Naruto, I giggled when Iruka-sensei got a nose bleed and everyone looked at me.

The boys stared in awe, and the girls in envy. I couldn't bring myself to realize what was going on at the moment untill I heard a bunch of "Her laugh is so cute." I looked around blushing, trying to find the owners of the voices.

Iruka-sensei called my name "[Y/n] Suko." I walked up to the front and turned around to the class, I didn't do the hand sign or say transform, I just closed my eyes and pictured myself as Rin.

When I opened my eyes the smoke was gone, I looked around the room and saw the girls with hearts in their eyes and the boys looking with envy "[Y/n], can you tell me who this is?" I looked at him with a sad expression and his envious eyes faded into kind ones.

"You don't have to say if you don't wa-" I cut him off my shaking my head 'no' and looked back at the class with a sad expression making them go back to normal "I-it is my brother, R-rin." I said looking down.

Iruka-sensei put his hand on my back and rubbed circles. I looked at him and he looked away with a tint of pink across his cheeks. I walked back to my seat and sat down, I didnt look up and kept my head down.

Time skip to end of class

Iruka-sensei dismissed us but grabbed my arm when I passed his desk "[Y/n], are you gonna be okay?" I looked down and nodded, he sighed and let go of my arm.

I walked out of his class and out the school doors, I saw Naruto trying to talk to someone and their mom pulling the kid away. He needs a friend.

I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, when he turned I summoned the biggest smile I could, but it was fake. He got red in the face and put his hands behind his head "Hey, what's your name?"

He looked surprised but said "Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!" I giggled making him more red, and that just made me giggle more "Naruto huh, that's an awsome sounding name." I said making him even more red if even possible,

"T-thanks, a-and you better remember it to 'cause one day, I'm going to be hokage and everyone in the village will look up to me and respect me." I smiled at him and he turned even more red.

'How red can this guy get?' "Hey Naruto, can you show me were a ramon place is? I haven't had any in forever." He looked excited "Yeah! Yeah! Sure let's go!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to Irachies Ramon shop.

((I'll change it laterrr))

We sat on the stools and waited for our meal "Say, Naruto?" He looked at me "Yeah?" "Can you show me around town tomorrow? I've only been to the hokage's, the academy, and here."

He looked really excited and a light pink washed over his cheeks as he nodded abruptly "Yeah! Believe it!" I smiled making him a darker pink, I looked at the food that just came and dug in.

After dinner I said bye to Naruto and went back to my apartment. I got in and shut the door behind me locking it and going to change into my pj's.

I threw myself in bed and went to sleep, having yet another, nightmare.

((Edited Chapter))

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