Chapter 4- Final Exam

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(A 2 days after the Naruto moment)

[Y/n] pov.

I woke up and touched my face, yesterday I didn't have a nightmare, the tear stained face is back. I sighed and did the normal routine. Today was the final exam. I ran to the school and stopped halfway to catch my breath and the dog boy showed up.

He walked over to me and spoke "Hey, I'm Kiba. What's your name?" I looked at him and said
"[Y/n] Suko." He smiled and a little puppy jumped on me "That's Akamaru." I nodded and we walked to the academy together.

When we got there Naruto's face brightened seeing me then he ran over "Hey [Y/n]!" I smiled making Kiba and Naruto both lightly blush. Naruto looked at Kiba and got kinda angry "What are you doing here." Kiba smirked "I walked [Y/n] here, what are YOU doing here?" Naruto got more mad "I HAVE to be here, stupid." I giggled making them turn towards me, I walked to go sit down and they followed me.

They sat on either side of me. I saw Kiba glare at Naruto and looked at him, Naruto smirked. I sighed and put my chin on the desk.

They both got worried and asked "What's wrong?" Naruto put a hand on my shoulder followed my Kiba, I rolled my eyes "Nothing, I just" I mentally smirked "I just wanted you two the get along." They turned towards each other and Naruto put his hand out, he said "Friends?"

He then leaned forward and whispered, what I pretended not to hear "This is only for [Y/n], so don't get the wrong idea." Kiba faintly nodded and they let go of the hand shake.

I lifted my head back up when Iruka-sensei walked in "Okay. Today we are going to do the Final Exam, when your name is called, please step into the other room."

He cleared his throat "[Y/n] Suko." I stood and Naruto stood to, letting me out "Here." I said thank you and walked into 'The room of DEATH' "Okay [Y/n]. You have to make two clones of yourself to pass, are you ready?" I nodded and did the sign 'shadow clone jutsu!" I thought and opened my eyes.

There were about fifty clones as I looked around, I looked at Iruka-sensei, who's jaw was on the floor, and smirked "Did I pass?" He nodded and mumbled "Those did she...those have shadows." I giggled making him blush and shoo me out after I took my
[black/red/green] headband. I walked out to show Kiba and Naruto.

I sat in between them again and spoke "I got my head band guys!" Kiba stuck his thumb up and Naruto asked to try it on, I let Naruto borrow it and he put it on and said a speech about him being hokage someday.

When he sat down Iruka-sensei came in and called Naruto's name "Do your best Naruto-kun." I said making him blush and smirk. He walked out and I sat back.

Time skip

I walked out of the academy with Kiba following after, I heard these two girls talking bad about Naruto. I walked near them and growled, making them runaway from me. Kiba laughed and I mentally smirked.

I walked to Naruto who was sulking on a swing, alone "Hey Naruto." I smiled making him smile but it quickly faded, I frowned. I looked at Kiba and said "Hey Kiba, can you wait over there." He nodded and left, I looked at Naruto and went beside him.

He sat, now, regularly on the swing, and I sat beside him. He looked at his lap "Naruto, I don't know how, but I have a huge feeling that you will pass soon and I'm talking about today." He looked up with tears in his eyes and hugged me tightly, I was surprised at first but then I hugged him back.

(You didn't see Kiba fuming). We stayed like that untill I let go and he wiped his tears. He smiled and I smiled back "I will pass, you better belive it!" I giggled "I do belive it." He ran off somewhere and I watched him go.

I got a bad feeling when Mizuki came beside Naruto and said something then Naruto jumped away and left a smirking Mizuki behind. I followed Naruto and just waited for...anything. He was practicing with this scroll. I saw Iruka-sensei come out of the trees and Naruto fall.

They were talking when I heard Mizuki's voice speak. I looked all around and saw a shuriken flying at Naruto. I was about to save him but Iruka-sensei got there first and take it to the back.

There was a kunei flying at Naruto from behind so I jumped out of the tree and it hit my shoulder "[Y/-[Y/n]? What are you doing here!" They both yelled and I smiled at them "I had a bad feeling when Mizuki came. So I followed Naruto to make sure he didn't get hurt." Naruto blushed and Mizuki laughed maniacally. I looked around and saw another shuriken flying at Naruto.

I jumped in front of him and took it to the back like Iruka-sensei did.  I smirked "Found you." I said and threw the shuriken at him, he doged it but he slipped and fell.

I smiled triumphantly and picked him up by the collar "Now," I stopped smiling "what was your goal?" He looked at me "I got Naruto to steal the scroll so I could steal it from him." He pouted "And it didn't work." I nodded and put him down, I was about to walk to Naruto when I fell back in pain "[Y/n]!" Naruto and Iruka-sensei yelled running to me, I grabbed the kunei out of my shoulder and yelped. I passed out from the pain.

Time skip

I woke up in a white room and looked around "Naruto? Iruka-sensei? Anyone?" Naruto came into view "Your finally awake!" He said happily and ran to me giving me a hug which I returned "Yes I am. What happened after I blacked out?" He went into the story of him beating Mizuki and becoming a ninja "That's good." I smiled at him and we left the white room and I saw Kiba running at me.

He hugged me and I hugged back "Your okay." He mumbled and I nodded and let go to see Naruto fuming. I laughed and we walked out together. I said goodnight to the boys and walked in my apartment. I put on pj's and jumped in bed, almost instantly falling asleep with another nightmare.

Hey minna. I have decided to not let Sasuke bet bitten by Orochimaru. I hope you have a great day. Bye minna.

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