Chapter 5- Team 7

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Naruto-kun and I walked to the academy together. I felt this presence behind us but every time I look back there is nothing there.

We were almost there when Kiba ran up to me "Hello, [Y/n]-Chan." I smiled at him and said "Hey Kiba," I looked at Akamaru "hi Akamaru." Akamaru barked and Kiba lightly blushed, I took Kiba and Naruto's hands and ran into the academy.

As we got into the doors I stopped and turned around to see Sasuke there, he saw me look at him and blushed then looked away to hide it 'So he was the one following us.' I thought and walked to class, still pulling Naruto and Kiba with me.

We walked in the classroom and I sat by Naruto and just as Kiba was about to sit by me, Sasuke slid in. Kiba fell and yelled "Hey! I was gonna sit by [Y/n]-chan!" Sasuke 'hnd' and crossed his arms.

I sighed and Kiba huffed, he sat behind me and started to sorta brush my hair with hand making me blush a little. Sasuke and Naruto glared at him and Kiba smirked.

Iruka-sensei walked in and said "Okay class, today I am going to announce the teams." I zoned out untill I heard Naruto's name "Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Harano, Sasuke Uchiha, and [Y/n] Suko." Naruto hugged me and Sasuke smirked, Kiba was fuming because of Naruto. I smiled at Naruto and hugged back. I let go, much to Naruto's displeasure, and faced the front.

Iruka-sensei said the rest of the teams. We waited for hours apon hours, our sensei still hasn't shown. Naruto was getting inpatient "Were's sensei?!" He yelled and I sighed.

Naruto smirked and then got an eraser, he placed the eraser in between the door and the door frame "Hehe." He laughed "NARUTO! What are you doing?!" Sakura yelled and I covered my ears and sat in the back of the classroom "Our sensei is a jounin, he will never fall for that." Sasuke muttered, our new sensei walked in and the eraser fell on his head.

My eyes widened at who our new sensei was 'Kakashi?' I thought watching his every move "My first impression on you...your all idiots." He looked up at me and close eye smiled "Hey [Y/n]." I smiled and waved back, my groups jaws dropped "[Y/n]-chan, how do you know our sensei?" Naruto asked, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, I looked at the ground.

Naruto waved his hands in front of his face "[Y-[Y/n]-chan, you don't have to answer if it's to hard!" Sasuke hit him upside his head, I nodded and lifted my head a little.

"Okay, [Y/n], come here." I walked to Kakashi-sensei and he put his hand on my head "Meet us at the rooftop."

And we poofed to the rooftop, I bowed "Thank you Kakashi-sensei." He blushed and said "Y-you don't n-need to d-do that [Y/n]."

I stopped bowing and sat next to Kakashi-sensei "[Y/n]?!" I heard Naruto and Sasuke yell "Over here!" They ran to me "It took ya'll long enough." I say "Okay, take a seat in front of me." I got up and Kakashi-sensei grabbed my arm "You can stay here." I nodded and sat down next to him.

I saw Sasuke and Naruto glare at Kakashi-sensei, I sweat dropped "Okay tell us about yourselves." Naruto was about to question him but Sakura beat him to it "Sensei, what are we supposed to say?" I facepalmed "Like, your name, your likes, dislikes, plans for the future, stuff like that." We nodded except for Naruto "Can you show us what it would be like?"

"Sure, My name is Hatake Kakashi, stuff I like and dislike, I don't feel like telling you that, plans for the future, never thought of it." Sasuke crossed his arms "That's not helpful, all he told us was his name." Sakura whispered making Naruto hum in response.

"Now you with the blonde hair and idiotic smile." Naruto stood up and pointed his thumb at himself "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen in a cup, when Iruka-sensei takes me to eat ramen and when [Y/n] and me go to eat ramen, I hate the three minutes that it takes for the ramen to cook, my dream is to one day be the hokage, belive it!"

I clapped and giggled making Naruto blush and sit down "Now you, with the pink hair." Sakura stood "My name is Sakura Harano, I like.. I mean the person I like is," looks at Sasuke and giggles "my dream for the future is" looks at Sasuke and giggles, again "And your dislikes?" Sakura got a mad tone "NARUTO!" Naruto anime fell and cried anime tears, I cracked my knuckles and Sakura sat down fast.

I walked to Naruto and made him sit up "Don't worry about what Sakura says, I think your an awsome person." I smiled a closed eyed smile, he blushed a little and nodded.

I went back to my seat to see Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei glaring at Naruto "You with the black hair." Sasuke stood up "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and don't particularly like anything, but there is one person I can tolerate." Glances at me then back at Kakashi-sensei "What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality and kill a certain someone."

He sat back down "Okay...[Y/n], your next." I nodded and stood "My name is [Y/n] Suko, I love drawing, cloud watching, looking at the sunset and reading. I hate it when people hurt my friends and make fun of them. My dream for the future is to help Naruto-kun meet his dream of becoming hokage and stand by his side the whole time."

Naruto blushed and I sat down "Tomorrow we will be doing a survival exercise." He walked away then turned around "And don't eat breakfast, or you'll puke." With that he walked away "G'night guys, I'm going home." They waved and said goodnight. I got in my house and changed into my pj's and dropped in bed "G'night." I said to myself and drifted to sleep.

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