Chapter 11- Kidnapped

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I love that song so much. if you didn't know, that song was called I've Givin' Up On You, by: The Real Friends. I hope you like this song. By for now minna!

I walked back to Kakashi-sensei with Sasuke and Sakura. When I got there I realized that my best friend wasn't there, "W-Where's Naruto?" I asked making them look around, "He's still not awake yet? Oh well." Kakashi said. I looked at him dumb-founded, "RUDE!" I yelled and sat down criss-cross. "Tch...come on loser." Emo duck smirked, "Or else." "'Or else' what?" He bent down and threw my onto his shoulder, "You gave me no choice." I blushed 50 shades of red (XD). "(Y/N), GET OFF MY SASUKE!!!" The two-personality girl/boy (I SHALL NOT ASSUME HER/HIS GENDER!)XD  yelled at me. "hehe." Sasuke laughed silently and took off to the bridge, "Hey (Y/n). Yell 'never'." I tilted my head "I won't let her get you, I promise." He said and my eyes widen and I nod, "NEVER!!!" I yelled at the pinkette running after us. We made it to the bridge and Sasuke didn't put me down and looked at Sakura 'Was he serious about not letting her get me?' I thought, "(Y/N)!!!!!" "Sakura, don't be a bother, you know as well as I do that I picked her up and ran, just accept the fact that I don't like you and never will." She broke down in anime tears, "OH SASUKE-KUN THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! THE WORDS OF A TRUE ANGEL THAT ONE DAY WILL BE MINEEE!!!" I sweat dropped and got off of Sasuke's shoulder, "Sakura, I really don't understand you sometimes." I dusted my clothes off and looked at Sakura, smiling widely, "But that's why I like you." In a flash, a hand was covering my mouth and brought the back of my head and body to his/her chest, "(Y/N)!!!" There was a puff of smoke and I blacked out.


 I awoke with a start, trying to sit up but failing due to restraints that held me in place. I tried to scream but the door opened making me wip my head in that direction, "Oh, I see that you are awake. Good. This shall be your death bed." The figure with a black mask and a black suit on said, I could tell by the way he was talking that he was smirking, "N-no w-way...MY FRIENDS WILL SAVE ME!! JUST YOU WAIT! THE'LL BEAT YOU UP AND SET ME FREE!" He/She walked closer, "Oh but my (Y/n), you broke my heart, so I will break yours. But don't worry. I won't kill you yet. MWAHAHAHHAHA!" Nothing. I couldn't see, feel, or hear anything, am I dead?

I am so evil. CLIFFHANGER!!!! What will happen next? NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT ME!!! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!! SEE YOU LATER MINNA, BYE!!! Word count: 467!

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