Chapter 9- I did it!

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..."Inari?!" I yelled, 'How can this little kid hold me up by my ankle? Suspicious...' Inari looked at sensei, Kakashi nodded. I tilted my head. I was falling again. This time Kakashi-sensei came to catch me. 'Somethings wrong here' This eerie feeling erupted into my stomach.

He put me down on the ground. I sat down, crisscross, and gathered my chakra. The flicker, the wave, the cloud,...two clouds! I opened my eyes, running up the tree.

It much? I fell again. I grabbed a tree branch. "What the heck?! There was a flicker, to little. There was a wave, to little. And ocean, to much. A cloud, almost. Then two clouds, to much! How much chakra do I need?!" I yelled down at Kakashi-sensei. He shrugged "That depends on the ninja." I let go of the branch and landed on my feet.

Time skip//Nightfall//My pov. (Author)

Sakura, Kakashi, Inari, Tsunami, and Tazuna waited for Naruto, Sasuke, and (Y/n) to return befor eating dinner.

Sakura was to hungry and so she gave up and started to eat, followed by the rest of the hungry people sitting at the table. The door burst open. People stepped in the door.

Sasuke's arm was around (Y/n) and hers around him. Naruto had his arm around her and (Y/n)'s arm around him.

They walked in and Sakura yelled at them "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! MAKING US WORRIED ABOUT YOU! Except you Sasuke-kun, you can do whatever you want to. BUT YOU TWO ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" She yelled making (Y/n) and Naruto back up.

Naruto slipped and all three fell. (Y/n) on the bottom with Sasuke laying on her, and Naruto landed under (Y/n). (Y/n) blushed and so did the boys. "(Y/N)! GET OFF SASUKE-KUN! HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!" Sasuke glared at Sakura and got up.

The (h/c) haired girl got off Naruto and helped him up. "Are you okay
Naruto-kun?" She asked, he blushed.
"Y-yeah! It's not like a puny fall could ever hurt me." She giggled, nodded, and sat down in a chair.

"Okay! Time to eat!" The (h/c) haired girl ate untill she was full and went up to bed. She got into her pj's, which consisted of a pare of (f/c) sweatpants and a (2/f/c) T-shirt that went down to her thigh. She started to hum (f/s) while brushing her teeth. She finished and got in her bed, falling asleep.

Time skip//(Y/n) pov.

I woke up early and thew off the covers. I jumped on the floor and got dressed. I brushed my teeth then grabbed my katana, shuriken, and kunei. I ran outside followed by Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Sensei was already there so me, Sasuke, and Naruto went to go train while little miss perfect went to protect Tazuna.

We practiced all day to no avail. The sun went down when I touched the shuriken again then fell back on my feet. I growled and ran up the tree again. I made it passed the shuriken but fell before making the mark with my kunei.

I ran up the tree after gathering enough chakra. I...made it? I sat down on a branch and wiped the beads of sweat off my forehead. "HEY (Y/N)! CAN YOU TELL ME HOW TO DO THAT?!" I giggled "Sure!" I yelled and jumped down.

"(Y/N)!! YOUR FALLING! OH NO!!" I grabbed a branch and dangled for a second then let go to soften the fall "I'll be okay Naruto." I dropped to the ground and whispered in his ear "Okay, first you have to gather enough chakra in order to do so, close your eyes." He did.

"Okay now concentrate on your chakra, feel it in your feet." He nodded, his feet turned blue. "What do you see?" There was a short silence. "I-i see Yeah! I see a cloud! A blue one!" I giggled "Okay now try to run up the tree!" He opened his eyes and ran up, missing the shuriken by one branch and falling down at a fast speed were he couldn't grab a thing.

"Naruto!" I yelled, starting to run up the tree to catch him. Sasuke beat me to him  and grabbed his shirt. "Your not hurt are you?" Sasuke smirked and Naruto pouted. "Shut up Sass-ke!" I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes.

"Tch!" Sasuke dropped him. "AGAIN?!" I yelled and caught him before he hit the ground. "Are you okay Naruto-kun?" He nods and Sasuke glared daggers into Naruto's skull from the tree. "How about we call it a day?" Naruto sighed and nodded but Sasuke shook his head.

I rolled my eyes "Come on Sasuke~. Let's go home~." He blushed but his answer didn't change. "Fine!" I said and picked him up. "I will carry you then!" Naruto laughed and I walked ahead. "H-hey! (Y/n)-chan! Wait up!" I walked a little slower untill he caught up and we went home.

I know this chapter was short but hey, I updated!! Hurray!! Okay so I wrote 886 words! I hope you have a great day! Bye minna!

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