Chapter 4: First Day

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"Lets go!” I heard a voice scream, turning to see Hannah’s proud face skipping down the hallway.

"Almost ready," I perked up, pulling up my jeans. I walked out to meet her and twirled once to show her my outfit.

"Thank God we went shopping yesterday," She laughed, "You needed some new things!"

"I know," I answered, slipping on my purse, "Do we all have 8am's?"

"Yep," Jess concluded, coming out from her room in her usual attire, "And don't say anything about my outfit. I'll dress up tomorrow."

"A sweatshirt...really?" Stephanie frowned, exiting her room dolled up from head to toe.

"Yeah really. How is that outfit even comfortable?" Jess pointed, making an effort to stare at her heels, "No one wears that stuff to class."

"You don't know," Stephanie's eyes flew straight back at her.

"Alright ladies, let's go! No more time to argue!" Hannah beamed, opening the door for us. I followed her first, not even wanting to get involved this time.

"Should we all meet for lunch at the commons?" I began as we made our way outside.

Today the sky was a bright orange, slight pink streaks began to make it's way past the sun as the campus finally began to stir awake. I loved it here already! The air felt crisp, the grass seemed greener and the mood just felt alive. Something I'd never really seen before back in Georgia.

"Sure. I think we all get out at ten, so lets just meet by the doors and go in together?"

"Great idea!" Jess shouted.

"See you guys later," I mouthed, gripping my books nervously as we finally approached my building. They all shot me thumbs up as I turned back to enter, my stomach finally twisted into knots once I realized how real this actually was.

The building was huge and I mean enormous. How many classrooms were in this building again? Not only were there three staircases, but there were hallways that I couldn't even see the ends of, how was I going to figure this all out?

All the classroom doors were marked by letters and I needed to be in classroom J, surely it couldn't be that hard to follow the alphabet. I circled the hallways three times before finally finding the door tucked in the corner behind the staircase.

"Welcome!" The professor wailed, motioning for me and the girl behind me to come in. I took a deep breath before entering and finally made my way in to face twenty sets of blank stares. I took my seat in the back, watching the doors close and lock promptly at 8 o'clock.

"Welcome, my students! Hope your first day is going well, before you take one look at me and think this class will be easy because I look young, well then you're wrong. Now take out your notebooks and don't stop writing until your fingers fall off!"

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"So...? How was it?!" Stephanie shrieked, galloping out to me as I approached.

"Ehh," I winced, trying to recall the information I had been given, "It was a whole lot of sign this syllabus, you're responsible for yourself and if you fail I don't care."

Jessica's nose scrunched up and her eyebrows lifted, "My professor wasn't nearly as strict. In fact, he told us that our study guides will practically be the test."

"Lucky," I groaned, nudging her. Why did I have to get the mean one?

"Guys, I'm starving. Save your convo's for the table talk," Stephanie growled, grabbing my arm to pull me in to the lunch area. She was right though - with her screams I turned around to see packs and packs of students piling in to probably do the same thing as us, chow down on shit.

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