Chapter 22: Chosen

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I awoke quickly, the burning sensation of a scratchy painful wound had stirred me out of a dead sleep. My eyes snapped open, lowering down until finally they landed on my left arm inflamed in some sort of a rash.

"Really?" I choked, my hand flying out to comfort the pain. I began scratching, almost tearing my arm to pieces as I continued to observe it. I've never been allergic in my life, where in the world did this thing come from? I turned my arm over, trying to see how far it led.

It was almost the size of a hand print and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to let up anytime soon.

I leaned back, finally feeling relief from my scratch marathon as I closed my eyes. I'd have to face this issue soon, whether it be with medicine or someone with healing powers, I'd have to figure out the root of this damn rash. The thing had almost doubled in size in less then twenty four hours and nothing I'd tried so far had gotten rid of it. Last night I thought I had gotten a simple mosquito bite and now, it was far worse then something as small as that.

"This thing is getting worse," I groaned, finally exiting my room with my thoughts. Jessica began fumbling through the fridge, dismissing my complaint quickly as I plopped on the couch.

"Weird," She mumbled, flicking open a box of pretzels, "Maybe you should go to the doctor."

I rolled my eyes, she didn't get it. She thought I was being dramatic and depressed (even though I still was) there was more to it then that. Within the last few days, I barely could keep track anymore, I'd somehow acquired small little bodily changes that were making me almost sick.

Rashes, awful migraines and dry mouth that just wouldn't go away for anything. I'd also been sleeping, way more then normal and had been waking up after close to ten hours of sleep still tired and mentally exhausted.

"I haven't done anything different," I grumbled, itching my arm for the millionth time, "This is the oddest thing. It's not going away."

I looked down, narrowing my eyes down on the ring Jesse had given me to wear as I continued to scratch.

Stupid ring, I hated even looking at it. If it weren't for him telling me to always keep it on, I would have tossed it by now. Why even bother saving me now? He'd used me up for everything he needed and now I was yesterday's news to him. Did it even matter if I still wore this thing?

"I'm taking this off," I pointed to his ring, wrapping my fingers around the metal. Obviously, I was still on my emotional roller coaster of a life and maybe I was overreacting, but what I was saying was 100% correct. I had no use for this damn thing anymore.

"No!" Jessica screamed, dropping her pretzels and running to my side, "Don't do that. We don't know what that thing means and if you for some reason take it off and start foaming at the mouth, I won't know what to do!"


"Call 911," I stated boldly, finally getting it up and over the halfway point.

"Stop!" She belted again, ripping my hand away as the ring fell to the floor. We both stared at the ring as it bounced off the floor and into the air. I reached out to grab it but before I could, it vanished, poofing in mid air as if it had never been real in the first place.

"Oh my," Jessica spoke low, her skin trembling along mine as I realized what I had just done.

Damn my emotions sometimes, why did they always take over?

"Do you feel any different?" She asked, her eyes wide as she began looking me over. I extended my fingers as I began looking over them, would it have caused a physical change?

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