Chapter 20: Tell Me Everything

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The floors below me were bouncing and the walls around were nowhere to be seen. Hundreds of feet crowded the small spaces of each tile and they were dancing. Their feet moving at rapid speed just to keep up and soon enough, I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be Hannah standing in the midst dressed in all white.

What was she doing here?

I followed her, instantly realizing she was running. Where to? I had no idea, but I knew I at least had to follow.

She kept up speed, darting in between the crowds as we finally approached a small room off to the side. Her blonde hair whipped around the corner, finally disappearing as I realized what she had lead me towards.

It was Ryan, bent down on his knees as if he had nowhere to go. I could see in his eyes that his mind was blank, almost as if someone had erased it to cover dirty tracks.

"He just won't stop intervening," Sabina mumbled, a few other guys following her as they approached him.

"Just kill him already, he's becoming a nuisance and Jesse still hasn't told us why he's around. We keep allowing this fucker to live just so he can protect, but protect what? She's a loose cannon and he can't even keep up with her anymore."

Sabina's head dropped, her eyes rolling like she didn't understand, "Robbie, if you just give it some time, we will be able to trap the Charger and finally get what we've been after. Just quit being so damn impatient."

Robbie scowled, "So we still have to let Ryan live? For what purpose?"

Robbie was almost yelling at this point, but the small smile still withered on Sabina's lips kept him reassured.

She had a plan and he wanted in.

"You have no idea what she's capable of, Robbie," Sabina clicked her nails, finally her mouth turning down into a small frown, "We're lucky she's unaware of how to channel anything herself, because if she did then we'd all be screwed. We'd all die."

Instantly Ryan turned, ever so slightly just for me to see. He smiled, directly at me, an evil shrew smile that sent shivers all down my spine. Was he awake? Was he pretending to be compelled?

Sabina snapped her head towards Ryan and before I could even notice, he was right back in the previous position. Dead. Eyes forward. Blank.

"He's of use to us for now. If Jesse changes his mind, then we will plan accordingly."

Sabina turned, her finger pressing into Ryan's head as she closed her eyes, "For now, he will have to do. But we do what we do to survive, Robbie, even if it's not the charge we want."

Immediately Ryan's eyes closed, like a magnetic force had shut them for the time being. Sabina breathed, silently chanting a few words to herself as she began exhaling quicker. After a few moments, I watched Robbie begin to sulk her way. He rambled a few words under his breath before touching a finger to Ryan's head.

I tried to call out for him, anything to keep them away, but my voice was nowhere to be found. Why couldn't I save him?

"The charge is complete," Sabina's voice thundered around me and finally I saw the sight I had been led to see.

Her eyes snapped open, revealing the brightest bloodiest red I had ever seen blazing before my own eyes. Her lips curled up into a thirsty laugh and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It will have to do."

She ripped a marker from her back pocket, connecting the tip to Ryan as she scribbled four letters onto his forehead.

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