Chapter 3: Gossip Around the Town

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I awoke in the morning with somewhat of a headache, pushing past my covers all to wake up in a grumpy mood.

Great. I was still mad.

How was I supposed to get past this? I knew Ryan wasn't worth the trouble of thinking about him constantly, but for some reason, I just couldn't get over it.

"Knock knock," Jessica sounded, peeking open my door in her monster high PJ's.

"Jess," I gurgled, choking down a giggle in the process, "Why do you wear those out of all the pajamas you have?"

She snickered, pulling down her tiny tank, "I think they're cute."

I groaned, jumping out of bed, "What's for breakfast?"

She smiled, "I think Stephanie and Hannah are up at the cafe down by the mall, want to join them?"

My stomach growled at the thought and instantly I knew waffles and pancakes would cure this anxiety I was beginning to have about my issue.

"Sure," I announced, rubbing my eyes, "You going to drive?"

"I'm going to drive myself because I have a job interview on campus at 5pm, but we can follow each other?" She said.

"Oh my goodness Jess! That's amazing!"

She seemed unexcited about the event as I praised her and immediately she rolled her eyes, "It's just for a stupid coffee shop, nothing incredible."

She was always so unemotional it was almost laughable.

"Alright, well let me get dressed and I'll be ready in a few," I returned, rushing into my bathroom.

She disappeared without a trace as I began to throw on clothes, finally deciding on a red and blue plaid summer dress and a brown pair of sandals. I scrunched my hair into a few waves and put in a brown headband. To say I still dressed like a high-schooler was an understatement. I didn't know when my style would ever change into something mature like the rest of my friends.

I shrugged in the mirror, settling with my appearence and rushing out the door to meet Jess. We arrived at the mall twenty minutes later, both of us drooling at the smell coming from the buffet grill.

"Where are Hannah and Steph?" I asked in a whisper, finally spotting them before she could answer. I grabbed her arm, leading her over as they waved us down. We greeted each other for a moment before getting up and filling plates with breakfast, finally all scooting into our booth to talk about yesterday.

"What happened to you last night?!" Hannah blurted out, her eyes widening as she asked. All three of the girls were now glued to me as we ate, all wanting an explanation of why I had left early.

I sighed, slouching back into the booth.

"It was a disaster," I breathed, "Honestly, I just don't know how I'll be able to deal with Ryan being around here for the next few years."

Stephanie's face sunk, I could tell she was sympathizing with me.

"Yeah, but you don't really know how he feels now do you?" Hannah asked. I thought it over for a moment, knowing that there was some truth behind her statement.

"He had a girlfriend last night," I interrupted, "There is no way he would choose me over a girl that looks like that."

I shoved a few bites of waffle into my mouth before pushing my plate away, my hopes of this breakfast making me feel better were starting to go down the drain.

"Do you think he was giving you different signs last night than he usually would?" Jess mused, leaning back.

I bit my lip eagerly, trying to remember exactly what had happened last night, "A little bit different - almost like he cared what I was up to, usually he'd just watch and ignore me completely."

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