Chapter 10: Crazy Over Him

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"Where have you been?" Hannah whispered as I entered throught the front door. I shot her a nervous glance as she sat up from the couch and immediately flicked on the lights.

"Ryan..." Hannah added, noticing his broad figure behind me.

"Hey," He spoke with a snide grin, shutting the door quietly behind us, "Mind if I come in? I don't want any of you ladies running out here with just your panties on."

Hannah laughed, shaking her head in the process.

"I'm sure you'd like that," Stephanie chimed in, walking out from her bedroom in a sweatsuit.

Ryan chuckled, placing his hand gently alongside my back again. My muscles twitched with the feeling of his hand there and immediately Stephanie took notice.

"You know, Mandie's a big girl Ryan. She doesn't need a body guard every five minutes."

I could tell Stephanie's words struck a cord with Ryan because before answering her, he dropped his hand from my waist. I knew Ryan wasn't one to hold back his opinions, especially when someone came out attacking like Stephanie seemed to be, but I knew he was just doing so to be polite.

"Ah, Stephanie. Do I get a sandwich with these assumptions?"

"No assumptions! Facts, Ryan. I know the facts about you," Stephanie interrupted him, as he took a step beside me to come up to her.

"What facts?" He hummed low, leaning across the counter to size her up. I watched his eyes linger around me for a moment, before returning back to hers.

"I know that you're not a relationship guy and that you break hearts," She concluded, flicking her hand his way, "...and that you don't deserve our Mandie here."

I groaned, covering my forehead, "Ok, guys. This is getting super weird."

"No, Mandie. Don't worry, I'm actually enjoying this," Ryan returned, flashing me a daring grin. His face said it all - he was definitely getting a kick out of this.

"There's no way I'm about to let someone like you step over a girl like her."

"Me?" Ryan played it coy, pointing towards his chest. My heart fluttered, just looking at the part he was leading all of our eyes towards. If only they knew how close I was to touching him there the other night, they'd go crazy.

"You didn't tell them about what happened, did you?" Ryan groaned, backing away. He put his hands in the air, shaking his head in surrender once he realized that they all knew somewhat about our past.

"I'm not going to fight against that one, who knows what you told them," He concluded, his gaze meeting both Hannah and Stephanie's mockingly.

"Yeah, well you don't know her like we do. We've been her best friend for years and you just started to get to know her. So trust us when we tell you, she's an amazing person and deserves to be treated as so." Stephanie went on a rant, which I lovingly respected. I smiled her way as she spoke, even though she was blowing this way out of proportion.

"Oh I know her," Ryan acknowledged and suddenly my heart raced, "If only you guys knew how much she used to like doing sh-."

"Stop," I screamed, running over to clasp a hand over his mouth.

I felt a bead of sweat drip down my neck with how quickly a few past memories were so close to being brought up.

"He doesn't know what he's saying!" I laughed uncomfortably, as his eyes narrowed down at me. He reached a hand up to grab my wrist, pulling it down to his chest as our eyes met.

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