Chapter 24

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"What is it with people and kidnapping my younger sister?!" Ron yelled in frustration.

"I'm coming to help, too!" Draco spoke confidently as the train began to move again.
"Malfoy, I can't have you getting hurt-"

"And what if you get hurt, Potter? What will I do then?" He sighed and rubbed his temples, "I'm going to save Weaslette. I don't care what she said, out of the respect I have for Ronald over here," He nodded over at him and looked down at Harry, "I can't let a Weasley die. It's my fault Pansy and Blaise are after us all anyway."

"And admit it guys," Hermione stood up, "You need me."

"No, 'Mione, absolutely not. You'll go back to my mother and explain and stay safe. You are not getting involved in this." Ron demanded, and Granger huffed but she knew it was for the best.
"Yeah, leave it to the men." Harry smiled and Hermione rolled her eyes as they stopped at Kings Cross Station.

"Men? What men?" She mocked but Weasley groaned.

"Guys, please, I can't have her get hurt. She was my responsibility and-and she's my little sister. Please get a move on!"

They nodded and as Hermione dragged the boy's luggage off the train one by one aswell as her own, she met with Molly and explained.

"Where will she be?" Harry questioned Draco as they crept down the now deserted train after wiating in their compartment for everybody to leave, "You can smell her, right?"

"Hm." He took a big whiff and closed his eyes, drawing in the direction the amazing smell was coming from. He felt his nose come in contact with something and realised it was Harry's scent he had been taking in.

He sighed and took his nose away from Potter's shoulder, giving him a small kiss on his cheek.
"This is why I said to wait with Hermione," He shook his head, "You're scent will distract me."

"What do I do?" He threw his muggle top off and placed it into his pocket so the smell of his cologne wasn't so bad.

"Great, now your chest is distracting me."
"Well I can't pull that off!" He hissed, and Ron sighed.

"Guys, please can we concentrate on saving Ginny? And Harry, does your uncle know you arent staying there? The last thing we want right now is an impatient brute stomping onto the train."

"Yeah, I sent them a letter, now Malfoy, focus."
"Does she smell of..." He took a big sniff and scrunched his nose, "Roses and strawberries?"
"Yeah, that'll be her!"

They followed Draco down the train and came to the last compartment.
He slid open the door to find Pansy smiling, her wand poking Ginny in the neck as Blaise raised his wand at them.

"Make one step and I'll kill her." Parkinson warned.
"What do you want?" Draco asked, raising his wand.
"You, of course, Dragon." She smiled, winking. Harry held back from beating her.

"So you're telling me that Ginny will be allowed to leave with Harry and Ron if I let you torture me instead?" He gulped, stepping inside.

"Draco, please." Potter gripped his wrist, "There has to be another way!"
"Malfoy, you can't. There'll be another way."

"No! I matter more!" Ginny shrieked, making Pansy jab her wand into her throat again to shut her up.

"Oh you little red head, I'm this close to letting them kill you." Draco hissed.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, and Malfoy sighed but gave in. He clutched his wand as Ginny was pushed towards Harry who caught her.
"Oh, nice chest." She winked at him.

"HE'S STILL MINE, WEASLETTE!" The blondie barked at her and she broke away from Potter's grip, cowering beside Ron.
He calmed down as Harry told Ron to take Ginny back to their mother, and he did so, but the raven haired boy didn't move.

Draco looked at him before wandering closer to Pansy, his wand in his pocket securely.
She grabbed her wand and placed it in his neck, causing him  to elbow her stomach so she let go with a screech of pain.
It caused attention so Zabini turned and pointed his wand at Malfoy.

Luckily Draco blocked the spell, and sent it spiralling back. Blaise was too slow and fell unconcious, but Pansy had got her wand ready.
"CRUCIO!" Pansy snarled at Harry, who fell back with a scream.

"I've had enough of your bullshit! Avada Kedavra!" Malfoy yelled, and much to Parkinsons shock, she was too slow to block it. Her limp body fell, and Draco began to tear up before his pain kicked in.

He never thought he'd have to use an unforgivable curse. He never wanted to. Malfoy twitched on the ground as he felt his partner's pain, before he blacked out.

Zabini gained conciousness before them and directed his wand at Draco.
"That's too far," He growled, "Avada Ked-"

"Avada Kedavra!"
He fell to the ground as his oxygen left his body, just as Harry and Draco regained their vision.

"Who killed him?" The Gryffindor questioned, and the Slytherin turned around to face Molly Weasley.

"Not my family, you bitch." She hissed, before helping up Potter and Malfoy, "Got to admit, I never thought I'd use an unforgivable again. Oh, sorry dear, I did kind of kill your aunt Bellatrix in the war."

"Don't worry, I hated her." He hugged her, much to her suprise and muttered a thank you, as did Harry before pulling on his shirt.

"Thank merlin you two are okay!" Hermione exclaimed, rushing from the front of the train, down towards them, as she jumped on Draco. He caught her and laughed, hugging her tightly, making Harry slightly jealous.

"Draco, thank you so much for saving Ginny." Arthur smiled as they both exited the train to get their luggage beside the Weasleys, "I believe she has an apology for you and Harry."

"I'm really sorry, Malfoy. I didn't mean any of it. I don't know what came over me, I just saw how happy you both were and realised that my dream would never come true.-"

"Your dream is to marry Harry?" Fred sniggered and Molly slapped his arm.

"Shut up, Fred." She snapped, "Anyway, I'm really glad you two are together, and thank you so much for saving me. I would like it if we became friends again, Draco, how we were before this train ride because you are amazing and really sweet in reality, I just got ahead of myself. I don't think gays are faggots either, I fully support you both, like I said, I was just mad. Gays are actually really cool."

Malfoy grinned and nodded, wrapping her in a warm hug along with Potter, Fred & George, Ron and Hermione joining in.

"I'm touched." He joked, clutching his heart as they all pulled away and Ginny giggled.
"I have that effect on people."

"Staying over, boys?" George asked, patting their backs.
"No, we're planning to go to Malfoy Manor and maybe I can slip in a visit to my godfather. But we can visit if you're free." Harry glanced at Malfoy who nodded, and then they both looked at the Weasley parents for permission.

"Well of course!" Molly smiled, hugging them both.
"Brilliant!" Harry beamed, before the Weasley's set off.

The two boys examined the area, before noticing that everybody had already went. Without a second thought, they smashed their lips together.
Draco brought Harry closer by the waist as Potter wrapped his arms around Malfoy's neck.
After a few minutes of sharing a passionate kiss and a few nibbles, they pulled back.

The raven haired boy blushed and felt his lip, earning a chuckle from the blondie.
"You did good today, Potter." He winked, and Harry playfully rolled his eyes.
"Not too bad yourself."

"You ready to go back to Malfoy Manor?" He asked, trembling slightly.
"I wonder how your father isn't worried the we haven't-"

"Draco? Where have you been?"
Someone stepped out the shadows, a well known frown on their familiar face.
Harry gulped and wrapped his arms around Malfoy, who nearly fainted at the sight of who it was.
For anyone wondering, some of those who died in the war are still alive, except Voldemort and Bellatrix of course lmao.

Who do you think the mystery person is? It'll be revealed in the next chapter!

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