The Worst Things In Life Come Free To Us

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I know it feels like the end of the world. 

I know your best friend might have a better friend than you. 

I know your parents might seem like they don't care. 

I know life is just so hard. 

But you know what, it isn't the end of the world. 

It doesn't matter that your friend is acting this way. 

It doesn't matter about your parents. 

The world keeps spinning. 

New friends will be made

Your parents created you, they do care. 

Life gets worse before it gets better. 

And one day when you're sitting there with your spouse, smiling at your children, you will know that you have made it from this cruel world. You proved them all wrong. You showed how tough you are, how strong you are. Even if you broke down a little bit. 

A wise man named Ed Sheeran once sang.. "The worst things in life come free to us." And they do. You have to work for your happiness. I know its hard. You can take small steps. You can take breaks. You can break down. 

It's okay to feel like the world is ending. It's okay to feel like nothing is going alright. Just give it time. Try. It'll be better. And it'll be worth it. 

One day I know you'll prove them all wrong. 

You'll prove that you were strong this entire time. 

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