Self Harm (Cutting) by Wattpad User georgiamill

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Cutting And leaving those lines on your perfect skin is not a trend, it's an addiction...your screaming inside but to you, no one can hear...cutting is an everyday battle but know that how ever alone, scared and shut in you are NEVER alone.

I know the feeling of hiding behind a Chelsea smile and forcing out an "I'm okay" when inside your screaming for someone to look you in the eye, hug you and say... I KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT.

We all hear how 'cutters' are "emo" and "attention seekers" but cutting is not a joke. It takes a great blow to turn mental pain into phisical pain. When the torments come and all common sense is forgotten...that is when the sleeves are pulled lower, the trousers are kept close and those torments sink them lower...think before your torment leaves the mouth...For once put yourself in the shoes of the "emo" "cutter" "attenton seeker" did that torment feel? Did it hurt?

For those of us who cut or used to cut... We are not proud of what we did. but we are not ashamed of our scars. Each and every scar has its own story. The fact that the cut healed reminds us that it does get better.

Whatever your reason is... Know that you are never alone. Know that there is someone out there who is proud of you and loves you for who you are. Someone who loves all your quirks and your problems, even your depressions and your failures because that is what makes you...

Being happy doesn't mean covering up and fitting in with society...being happy means that you have learnt to look beyond the imperfections. Weather it's just for a moment or a safe place hold it close to your heart and let it ignite a fire within you to burn away that self hate and let you out of your chrysalis.

You are beautiful. You are unique. You are one in a million and YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Be yourself

Don't take anything from anyone

And never

Let them take you alive


Thank you for reading

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