Inspirational Connor Franta Quotes

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Authors note! So, if you don't know who Connor Franta is, he is a Youtuber who recently came out with a book. He's my favorite youtuber and I had the amazing experience of meeting him! His story and advice throughout his videos and his book has helped me so much. So here is just some of the phrases in his book that really stuck out to me. I hope you enjoy them as well! (His book is A Work In Progress"

Once we learn to accept who we are, imperfections and all, then - and only then - can we achieve our full potential. Forget about negative self-image and self-judgement. It's about self-love, an no one teaches you that at school. No one teaches you that if you accept and love yourself, nothing and no one can touch you.

True friendship is counted in memories, experiences and troubles shared; it's a bond built up over time in person, not a virtual tally on the Internet. It finds you; you don't find it.

It's hard to truly know what you want and who you are. It's even harder to attune yourself to that inner voice that tells you what your heart is saying. You now it when something feels off, when you bristle, when you hear on big, fat screaming "NO!" in your head.    Whatever the personal decision—in conversation, friendship, dating, career—pay attention to what your gut says, and not necessarily what you're told and what you think you should thing (because then you'll overthink it).

In a world conditioned to follow the herd mentality, a lot of people find it hard to stay true to themselves and accept the things particular to them. It's easy to give in to peer pressure and simply settle with what everyone else is doing, but never forget that each of us different. You are your own individual, with your own particular set of dreams, desires, and aspirations. Everyone has preferences unique to him or her. So know what you like, know what makes you happy, stick to your guns, and state it with confidence....You'll walk taller, and as long as you follow your gut, you won't stray far in life.

Sometimes we lose sight of why we're doing what we're doing. We get sick of certain aspects of our lives and forget the end goal. But everything has a purpose. There is a reason behind every struggle, and I finally stood mine.

There is nothing certain about even contemplating a career rooted in your creative dream, whatever that may be. The potential risk of failure screams its warning from far away, which is why those with experience feel it is necessary to tell us to find "proper jobs"— the kind that pay well and guarantee long-term security.... But there is one thing they can't hear: the silent beat of creativity within you—that calling beckoning you to trust your gut, follow your heart, and do what you soul demands. You can never articulate to others what you feel in your bones because you rarely understand it yourself...

That's what labels do—they provide a launch pad for judgement. However people view you, there will be times when you will be judged, often harshly and wrongly. And it will be based on what you do , wear, or like and the friends you hang around with. If you're highly intelligent, you'll be "an overachiever." If you're incredibly kind, you'll be "a goody-goody." If you're a little shy and quiet, you'll be "boring" or "awkward." But trust me, the judgment says more about the labeler than the labeled.

So let other people apply the labels, but don't let that label become your straitjacket. In fact, use the opportunity to take those labels and redefine them. Enhance it. Expand on it. Break through the barriers and limitations. Carve out an identity that is unique to you. Don't agree to be marked, filed, and put into a box that will hinder your true potential.

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