A Little Motivation

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This is just a chapter of how to get ahold of me if you're having severe troubles or just need to talk, or need advice. I've had 3 requests to do a chapter like this, so I thought I'd do it.

If you are just starting, or are thinking you have depression and it's not that bad, hang in there. Don't try and pout around that much. Know you are worth it. Know there are people who care about you. If you don't want it go get worse, do some of your favorite hobbies. Listen to music. Take a nap. Just relax. Try and be optimistic. Bring out all the good things in your life.

For everyone who's just sad, or have depression, just everyone. Go and look at your mirror. Point out ten beautiful things. No more, no less. You HAVE to. Point out 10 things in your life that makes you a great person. No less. But you can certainly have more. I know you have at least 10 good things in your life.

Now, name 5 people in your life you can trust or feel good around. Go and tell those people, whether they're family or friends or teachers, tell them how grateful you are to have them in your life. Name out how many bad people or negative people there are. If they're bad people at school, ignore them. If they're a friend who brings you down, find new ones. Your life just gets worse with negative people. It doesn't help your depression or sadness in your life whatsoever. You need to get out the negative people. If it is a family member, tell them how you feel. No matter how you think they'll react. Tell them how much you hurt them and feel bad around them. And to please stop. Otherwise, it's not gonna get better.

In general, depression gets worse before it can get better. It can control you. But take this, only YOU choose how you react to it. If you decide to be sad all the time, I realize that is something hard to get out of. But do something. Anything that makes you feel good that doesn't involve hurting yourself or others. Like I said, be optimistic. Bring out the good things in bad situations. Depression affects you most, but it does affect others around you who care about you. When my mom found out I cut, it hurt her so bad. I hate knowing the fact I hurt others almost the way I hurt myself. Cutting is only good for a few seconds. But the scars doesn't. It reminds you. Of everything. Just remember, you do have people who care. If you don't think so, trust me. There is.

Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill you life too. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they've given us. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Sometimes it's got to get worse before it gets better. Sometimes it is not until the muck and mire are so deep, so think, that we realize there has got to be a change. As long as we have little problems, we are willing and able to maneuver our way around. When the challenges are small, we can find a quick a fix without realized there is a deeper problem, a bigger issue which requires healing.

If nothing helps, talk to me. I've had a person ask me for my phone number to text or call me if they need help with anything such as suicide or self harm. You can also call a suicide hotline. You never have to say your name, and say anything you don't want to. Message me if you need anything, I'll always answer.

Here is something a boy wanted me to write on here for all the girls. So, here it is: Dear girls, I don't care about your looks and your body, done care how messy your hair is, don't care if you have hairy legs. I sort of like romantic movies. I like seeing you wear baggy shirts and long pants all day long. I don't mind you being moody and sensitive. I just love the way you are, and you look perfect to me. Sincerely, Your Dream Guy :D

Stay strong. I know you can get through this. Because this was me once. But after I got rid of negative people, told people about myself, and did my favorite hobbies, life got better. It's still not even close to completely better, but it helps. I'm always here each and every one of you. I love you <3

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