You Never Know, Until It's Too Late

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This is a story on how I found out my best friend died. I hope you like it and can relate to what I felt that day. Everyday is an ongoing rock on my shoulder. But it's becoming a pebble.

I woke up at around 10am on July 10th, 2012. Just an ordinary day. I was going to go camping with my mom and brother Tyce. I recieved a very weird text message from one of my close friends. Hana's dead im not lieing. What? Why would you joke about that? Whatever. I continued packing. But that text still was there in my mind. Hana (Ha-Na. Not hannah), a very close friend to the whole entire grade. Dead? No! Thats ridiculous!

I continued on my day. But this time, me and the girl texting where fighting. I called her and her friends mom was telling me all about it, but I still wouldn't believe it.

Later on  during the day I went to my grandpas shop. This was about 11am or something, so maybe not that much later. I called one of my best friends, August. Maybe she heard something, I don't know. When I called her, I was talking way to fast. This is basically how the conversation went.


"What? Grace, slow down!"

"Nevermind. It's dumb. It probably isn't true. Sorry! Bye."

I told my mom about the whole thing. She told me to call Hana's mom, and I did. I asked, "Is Hana there?" she said, "Not at the moment, may I take a message?" "No, I just wanted to talk to her." She seemed sad, but she would've told me, right? I didn't know what to do. But I sat down and prayed. I said something like, "Hana, if you are up there, I'm gonna miss you. The whole community will. But if you're not up there, then that's great!"

My mom drove us home. This girl was still talking to me about it. My mom decided to go over to her house because it just wasn't funny anymore. I was left home alone, crying in the bathroom. I was kinda scared that it was true and thought how I could go on with life. But at the bottom of my heart, I knew it was some twisted joke.

I saw my mom pull into the drive way. I didn't want her to see me crying, so I ran back to the bathroom. But she came in crying. "It's true.... It's true..."

From that moment I remember going to the living room and my mom talking to me. I don't remember much though. I didn't know how exactly she died either. Something about a car crash..

My mom made some phone calls. Someone else knew what happened. My other best friend, Destiny, was life flighted to the hospital. She could be on her death bed at that moment, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Another girl, Cassidy, age 9, died too. 3 other girls and the driver were injured, but got out of the hospital a few days later. What made this whole situation worse is that our small 1.5k town already had a 7 year old girl die in 2011. What more do we need?

My aunt came over and drove me and my mom back to the shop to explain to my grandpa. It was about 12 to 1 pm now.

Through the day, some of my friends came over. We all cried, laughed, and talked about Hana. It was to a point where we all just wanted to forget, just a few minutes for the day. We all were messing around like we usually do at school. But then a few minutes rolled by and we knew it was different. Because we didn't have Hana.

We made a poster for both Hana and Cassidy. Cassidy lived a few blocks away from me, so we put her poster on her doorstep.

As a few days roll by, there was a candel-light vigil. It lasted about an hour. The whole town along with others came too. What got to me most was that there was 3 pastors who lit candels. Mine was one of the first ones lit. Then all of us lit each others candels. It amazed me how fast every persons candel got lit. It reminds me now that's how fast it affected us all as a whole. 2 amazing girls, gone. 1 girl who's slowly getting better, but is still in a coma. 3 other innocent girls affect emotionally forever. And the driver.. I still haven't really forgiven her. At first I did, but then I found out she passed a stop sign and didn't even have a license. She knew she shouldn't be driving. If she didn't drive like she was suppose to, none of this would have happened.

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