19.Old friend.

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After me and Emily hugged I walked back to Zoe and Alfie.
"Hello Anna and Jonathan." I say
"Hello Zalfie and Evie." they reply cheerly.

The table is set out with sandwiches, salads, seasoned chicken, tortilla wraps, garlic sauce, tomato sauce, different sauces, skinny fries and chicken nuggets.
"Wow this food" Alfie stares at the food mouth wide open.
"Well let's dig in" Jonathan cheers.
We dig in and the food tastes amazing. Me and Emily finish quickly our food and slowly back away from the table.
After we get into the sitting room we dart upstairs.
"Soo"Emily says.
"Soo" I copy.
We burst into fits of laughter.
"Remember I had like week long sleepovers because my  parents we on business trips" I said.
"And we would play pranks on my dad and he would get so angry" she laughed.
We chattered on until Jonathan called us down.
I reached the bottom of the stairs.
"We figured you don't just shout someone's name and don't know them." Zoe pointed at us.
"Well me and Evie go back to like five years ago." Emily said.
"Yeah but I moved away when I was seven." I said as I wiped a fake tear away.    
"Soo yeah" we both said awkwardly.
(A/n, there is no way to get out of that place so Im gonna do a time skip because I can)
Time skip. (Told ya😂😹)
Me and Emily are currently taking pictures. I brought Zoe's old cannon and Emily has her own. Zoe, Alfie, Anna and Jonathan were talking and laughing so me and Emily were on our hands and knees getting the perfect angle. I have one where Alfie  has his mouth wide open and his head thrown back. I ended up taking fifty pictures. After we were up in Emily's room watching Disney channel. We watched all the old shows.
"Evie it's time to goo" Zoe called up the stairs.
"Coming" I called as I got to the door.
"Em come say goodbye to Evie" Jonathan called up.
"Coming" she called.
We ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I said goodbye to Emilia and Eduardo and Emily. Me and Zoe and Alfie walked back to the car. I fell asleep listing to Shawn Mendes.
No one will have any idea about how much I hate this chapter. It kinda a filler because a lot has been happening this past week. First I haven't been on my iPad a lot. Second my family was minding a baby and I didn't get a lot of sleep. And third school is starting on Thursday so chapters might be less often. And sorry this chapter was late I was in the car, again.
Word count ⬇️
455 words

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