39. Till we die

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When Zalfie left my room I changed into

When Zalfie left my room I changed into

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I did my makeup and hair. I walked into my studio and FaceTimed James on my laptop.
"Hey. Wanna film a video when you get to mine?" I ask.
"Sure what video." He asks.
"What's in my mouth challenge?" I ask.
"Sure"he says and I hang up.
I get my studio ready equipped with lights microphones and of course the camera. I set a foldable table and place a few thing on it. I grab a blindfold and place it on the table. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch with Zoe and Alfie. They are watching The Big Bang theory. I watch it with them and we laugh at jokes. We then hear the doorbell and I run to the door. Alfie and Zoe following quickly behind. I open the door and Oli and James come into sight. They come in and we sit at the table. We chat.
"Hey wanna film that video now?" I ask.
"Yeh let's do it" he smiles.
We walk upstairs and into my studio I point to one side of the window seat and I turn on the camera and adjust the microphone.
After the filming
"Hey will we always be bestfriends?" I ask.
"Till we die" he smirks.
He shuts and locks my bedroom door and closes the curtains.
"Is everything okay?" I ask shaking.
"Yeah but not our 'friendship' see when I meant 'till we die' I meant till you die." He says taking out a match box.
"Why do you need those" I ask pointing to the box in his hand.
He takes one out and swipes it across the box. The flame appears.
"You know I never really liked you. With your glasses. You know?" He says spinning the match around." And all your spots. Your dyed hair. Your thin lips."
He backs away to the door. I try to walk forward but he shoves the match close to my face. I back into the corner. He throws the match close to me and it sets fire to my carpet. I go to step on it but James throws another one close to me. I'm scared for my life. He lights more and more.
"ALFIE ZOE OLI SOMEONE" I shout but no reply.
Soon enough my whole room is ablaze and there is no way out. James opened my door and shut it behind me. I step over some fire and try to reach my door. I try to open it but it's locked and the key is still in it so it won't open. I kick it and feel a sharp pain run up my leg. I fall to the ground. Great I just broke it. I shout and shout but get no answer. I see all my stuff alight. I start panicking and panting. I begin to see black dots around my eyesight.
"ZOE ALFIE" I scream before passing out.
Zoe's PoV
James comes running down the stairs and looks at Oli.
"Can we go?" James asks.
"What's wrong buddy?" Oli asks.
"I was want to go" James glares.
"We gotta go now. Catch up soon?" Oli asks.
We nod and we see them up. As I shut the door and walk back to the kitchen I smell burning. I check all the downstairs rooms and nothing is burning. I hear faint screams and shouts. A sudden rush of panic spreads through me.
"Alfie Where's Evie?" I shout out.
"upstairs why?" He says.
I walk out to the hall and smell the burning more then ever. I rush up stairs and look at Evelyn's room. Smoke is coming from there.
All I get in response is a crackiling sound.
Alfie comes rushing up the stairs and picks me up bridal style and brings me down to the front garden.
"Alf Evelyn is in there, there's a fire" I cry as he places me down on the grass. I fight to get back up. The fire truck comes blasting in and Alfie runs over to them.
"My daughter. She's where the fire is please save her" He shouts to one of them. They burst through the door and smoke comes out.

Andy the firemans pov. (Remember his name)
As soon as we get to the place we come in the gate and run out. At first I see a woman sitting on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. A man comes running over to me.
"My Daughter. She's where the fire is please save her" He shouts. We grab the fire hoses and burst through the door. We know the fire is upstairs but we are still greeted with a face full of smoke. Claire my wife runs up the stairs me following. She tries to find where the smoke Is coming from and I see a door half on fire.
"OVER HERE" I shout at Claire. I kick the door and the top half falls off. I'm just able to step over it. I here more footsteps and that must be Brad and Paul. I step in and try to put out the fire but it's huge. I turn around to see a little girl lying on the floor. I quickly pick her up gently and pass her to Brad. Claire, Paul and I start putting out the fire. It finally goes out after half an hour of trying.

Zoe's PoV
I sob uncontrollably and I hear an Ambulance siren. Soon enough a fire man comes out holding my little girl. Her face red as a tomato. One of the Ambulance nurses sprinted over to Evie while the other one sprinted over to me.
"Dear, your coughing uncontrollably. Let's get you over here" she says kindly leading me towards the ambulance.
Evie was currently on the bed. Looking horrible. Her hair was all over the place. Covered in black smoke. I start panicking. What if she never wakes up. What if she gets taken off us. Alfie noticed and ran over wrapping his arms around me. I cried into his chest.
"Little one, it's okay. Evie will be fine everything is okay." He soothes.
"But what if she gets taken off us" I hiccup.
"She won't." He says.
I look into his eyes. He looks scared, but he won't show it. He wants to stay strong.
"Are you Evelyn's parents?" A nurse asks.
Alfie nods.
"She needs to be rushed to hospital" she says.
I cry harder and we get in the ambulance. I hold her small hand. She looks so fragile
Okay,okay. I do not believe James and Oli are like this, this is just for the story. I love Oli's videos and when James is in them too. Okay this is deep like. I've had this plan for ages. And ahh it's weird. Because. I've never written anything like this. But anyway. I know I haven't updated in ages. But this was worth the wait? Anyway I'll see ya later ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Future Aoife editing this I forgot to do word count. SMART

1198 words

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