33. Hell breaks loose

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I wake up and take a shower. I walk to my vanity and bit of concealer on and a bit of bb cream. I put some eos and I grab my glasses. I walk into my wardrobe and pick out

I grab my phone and take a mirror selfie

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I grab my phone and take a mirror selfie. I post it onto Instagram with no caption. I walk downstairs and let Nala out of her crate. I let her out to the toilet while I weigh her breakfast. She comes back in her paws making a clicking sound on the wooden floors. I close the back door and place her food in her bowl.
"Wait, wait, off you go then" I say as she shoves her face into her bowl spilling some in the process. I feed the Guinea pigs too. Soon enough Zoe came down and made Me Alfie and her breakfast. We had Greek yogurt with loads of fruit.
"So twenty six tomorrow, last day of being twenty five. How does it feel?" Alfie asks Zoe while we're eating our breakfast.
"Stop it, Alfie" she whines hiding a smile.
I just laugh when Zoe and Alfie begin play fighting.
"And people say I'm the child" I joke and Alfie and Zoe laugh. They finish their breakfast and Zoe puts on the frozen finger food while I prepare a salad. Alfie is making salmon.
(A/n. Hey everyone. Has anyone been ditched before? Basically I was meant to go trick or treating with someone and They said they didn't wanna go :(. )
*Ding Dong*
"I'll get it" I shout through to the kitchen. I open the door to be greeted by my best friend.
"Emily" I scream out engulfing her in a hug.
She hugs back and I hug the rest of the SJs.
"Zoe, can we go upstairs?" I ask Zoe.
"Sure Janya and Elixes will be here soon." She says popping a bit of fruit into her mouth.
We run upstairs and into my filming room.
"Wanna film a video with me?" I ask her.
"Sure, what we doing?" She questions.
"Have a guess" I smirk.
"Evelyn Rosetta Deyes, I am never doing that again" she laughs.
"Yes you are, and don't say my middle name!" I sing as I set the camera up.
She sighs as she plops down on the window seat. I plug the lights in and press record.
"In the jungle the wild jungle" I sing in a silly voice.
Heellooo everyone. Today I am here with. EMILY. And we are going to be doing. EXTREME PRANK CALLS. Are you ready okay let's go.
I unlock my phone and press on Casper's contact.
"He-loo, Cas ppp er" I stutter.
"Hey, Evie what's wrong?" He asks sounding concerned.
"Z--ooee has been our for hours and Alfie isn't her either and they won't pick uo their phones" I cry.
"So no one is with you??" He asks.
"She said she'd be a few minutes but she hasn't come back!." I say quickly into the phone while Emily has her hand over her mouth.
"Where is Alfie now? Have you tried calling her?" He asks question after question.
"Alfie went to a meeting and yes" I say biting my tongue.
Emily let's out a loud laugh.
"It's a prank I ain't it Evie" he asks.
"Fine ya got us but is Joe there?" I ask.
"No he went out to the shop for pizza" he answers.
"Okay don't tell him I called you and text me when he arrives" I say to Casper.
"Sure" he chirps as I hang up.
Zoe's pöv
*Ding Dong*
"That must be Janya" I say to Anna.
I get up and walk out to the front door. I can faintly hear a laughing Evie. I open the door and I am greeted by A laughing Jim, a smiling Tanya and a phone obsessed Elixes.
"TANYA" I squeal as I hug one of my bestfriends.
"What about me" Jim asks sarcastically.
"Oh hey Jim" I smirk.
"Hi I'm Zoe" I say to Elixes.
"Good for you" she answers and pushes past me into the house.
"Sorry about her" Tanya apologised looking frustrated.
"It's okay, coming in?" I ask.
"Yup" Jim replies as I step into the house. They take off their shoes and I see muddy tracks leading into the sitting room. No my new carpet! I run following the tracks and see Elixes just about to step onto the carpet.
"Elixes darling, could you please put your shoes at the door ?" I say to Elixes.
"But I want to sit down" she whines.
"You can after you put the your shoes at the door?" I say calmly.
"Elixes can you listen to Zoe? It's her house" Tanya says sternly.
"But Tanya. I. Want. To. Sit. Down" she raises her voice.
Jonathan, Alfie and Anna a sitting back in horror.
"But Elix-" I say before I get interrupted by her.
"No Zoe. Let me sit down and I'll do that later." She shouts.
Nala starts barking at the loud voice.
"Shut that filthy mutt up" she screamed going to hit Nala.
Evie comes running down to witness Elixes nearly hitting Nala. She grabs Nala and Emily swats Elixes hand away.
"That's it. Phone now. No tv and no internet" Jim orders.
I run over to poor Tanya in tears.
"Hey Tan its okay" Anna soothes.
"I'm sorry Zoe." Tanya sobs.
"Hey, hey. It wasn't you" I say. "Want some tea?"
She nods and I put on a huge cup of tea. I hand it to her and she takes a sip. I feel a tap on my back and I turn around to see a red mark on Evie's face tears pouring out of her eyes. I pull her into a hug and sit her on my lap.
"What happened?" I ask her.
"Elixes slapped me" she sobs out.
I feel her tense up and I turn around to see a very angry Alfie. Evie starts shaking and Alfie notices. I give him a look. He calms down a bit and Evie relaxes.
"Jim, Tanya. I'm very sorry. It's not you, its your daughter. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Alfie says.
"Why the hell should we leave. You invited us here to this pigsty. Zoe won't even let me sit down. Alfie we've been here for five minutes and you ask us to leave and you" she shouts pointing her finger at Evie." Are the most fattest blind crybaby I've ever seen. Your horrible at YouTube and never should have been adopted. The Sacconejolys. Yeah you guys. Don't even belong here in England. Your Irish. Disgusting Irish. You probably bring filthy diseases with you. Your kids are extremely ugly. Emily. Ohh Emily. I honestly think your faking being Evie's friend for the fame. Your soo fat Anna. Oh Jonathan. You look like a rat."
( I swear I am not trying to offend anyone. I love the SJs and I think Anna is such a role model. It was really hard to type what Elixes said. I'm not trying to offend any Irish people here. I'm Irish myself. I wear glasses so I don't mean to offend anyone in glasses.  I don't think Jonathan looks like a rat either goodbye.)
"Elixes get your shoes on. We are going" Jim says sternly as he comforts Tanya.
"Oh but before I do that I need to do this." She comes over to Evie who was just getting up and slaps her harshly across the face before I could jump in front of her.
Evie falls to the ground holding her face in pain. Jim has dragged Elixes out of the house. Jonathan is comforting a crying Anna while Emily tries to keep Emilia and Eduardo busy by putting Dora on Anna's phone. Alfie hands me ice for Evie's face while I rub her back. I take a look at Evie's face and I see quite a big bruise. There is little cuts as well. After that we all fit into the cosy rooms and I put on. Can anyone guess? If you guessed Elf, You are correct. It comes up to about three when the SJs need to head home.
"Thank you so much for having us. And I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow" Anna says hugging me.
"Aww you've been a pleasure to have over. And I hope you have a safe journey home." I say. They drive off and shut the door. I plop down on the couch and Evie sits down beside me.
"Are we going to gran and grandads today?" She asked.
"Yeah" Alfie says sitting beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I really do love him and my daughter Evie.
"Are we staying overnight at your mum and dads?" I ask Alfie.
"Yes" he says smiling at something on his phone.
"Do you want me to help you pack a bag?" I ask Evie.
"Yes please" she nods.
We both get up and run up to her room. I see a very clean room. Wow I actually feel like a mum. I'm getting old. I walk into her wardrobe her following. She grabs her long striped pyjama shirt and long socks. For her outfit tomorrow it was very hard to pick out. We finally found something and we placed it in her bag. I left the room as she went to shower.
Evie's pov.
As I get in the shower a think about today's events. Am I really fat? Am I a crybaby? Did I deserve to get slapped? Well I really don't know. These thoughts just bring back horrible memories. I was my hair and body and climb out of the shower. I look at myself in the mirror. Are my eyebrows too bushy? Is my nose to big? I walk to my closet and get out

 Are my eyebrows too bushy? Is my nose to big? I walk to my closet and get out

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I don't bother putting makeup on. I grab a my phone charger and place that in my bag. I add my toothbrush and tooth paste. I also add a bit of makeup and hair wand. Once I'm finished packing and close my duffel bag and leave it at the door. I run to the kitchen and get a glass of orange juice and a chocolate bar. It was absolutely delicious. I sit back on my couch and go on Twitter. I retweet some tweets and follow a few fans. After that I look at the trending hashtags. Number three is #letcasperbackin I see Joe has locked Caspar out yet again. I decided to tweet using that hashtag.
Joe, your doing this to Casper again. Let's see if it hits the number one spot? #letcasperbackin. 
After that I look at the other hashtags. The second one is about bacon? And the first one is #saygoodbyeeviedeyes.
I instantly break down on the spot. I thought that was gone. My sobs were quiet. Not wanting to make a fuss. It's Zoe's birthday tomorrow, so I don't wanna ruin it for her. I quickly wipe my tears away and check some of the tweets for #saygoodbyeeviedeyes
God Evie just do us all a favour and go away. It's Zoe's birthday tomorrow so I know a perfect gift for her. Giving you back. The orphanage has a spot for you. Your fat that's why Your actual parents never loved you. The died because of your ugliness. Btw James is the best and he was right to make up this hashtag. Heck you even made a video about how much you hate your fans and friends and family.
I pressed the link and a video from YouTube came up. It was by Evie Deyes. It was a fake account.
They had taken words out from different videos and put them all together. I just turned off my phone and stared at the blank screen. I never thought one comment would be all it takes to put me into darkness.
Hi guys. Sorry for not updating for a little while. Just writing chapters on books that are and are not published. I really missed this book. I feel emotionally connected to this book. .Way to make it weird Aoife. *gives a highfive to myself*Also in the word count I usually do at the end of every chapter I also include the notes at the end of most chapters. So if you want to know the length of the fictional part just comment saying fictions word count. Cause I'd love to know your guys' opinion. school is tomorrow and I am and am not looking forward to it. I'm a lot closer to my classmates then I was last year. So we all can have a joke together. But I'm not looking forward to homework or the pressure for the 'parent teacher meetings' it's basically sometime after school your parent or parents come and speak to your teacher. I love when it happens because after school you can Dow homework with all your friends. But since September my teacher has been bugging us about it. We don't know an answer. Goes in his book for parent teacher meetings. My teacher is a male therefor I used his. I probably won't update as much because I get a load of homework and also I have a science project competition coming up so that adds to the presses. Also guys if anyone has been going through a hard time. Private message me if you want. It really does help to talk to someone. Anyway this is a long chapter and a long note and the end. So I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you later buh bye
Word count of fictional part
2000 words
I honestly can't believe I got exactly 2000
Word count of a/n at the end of chapter I also include the number of words and word count.
324 words

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